[HELP] mysq problem - Printable Version
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[HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 28.02.2014
I have these problems I don't know what cause it and mysql plugin doesn't load I compiled mod with plugins still nothing
pawn Код:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, (C)2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[19:52:58] filterscripts = "" (string)
[19:52:58] Server Plugins
[19:52:58] --------------
[19:52:58] Loading plugin: mysql
[19:52:58] Failed.
[19:52:58] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:52:58] Loaded.
[19:52:58] Loading plugin: sscanf
[19:52:58] Failed.
[19:52:58] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[19:52:58] ==================
[19:52:58] Whirlpool loaded
[19:52:58] ==================
[19:52:58] Loaded.
[19:52:58] Loading plugin: nativechecker
[19:52:58] Loaded.
[19:52:58] Loaded 3 plugins.
[19:52:58] Filterscripts
[19:52:58] ---------------
[19:52:58] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_count'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_stat'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_tquery'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_data'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row'
[19:52:58] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_int'
[19:52:58] Script[gamemodes/GURP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:52:58] Number of vehicle models: 0
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
M3HR4N - 28.02.2014
your mysql include and plugin must be in a same version!
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 28.02.2014
yes it is in the same version
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
WopsS - 28.02.2014
You use Linux? If yes, use mysql_static.so, if no, update again your a_mysql.inc and .dll, recompile.
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 28.02.2014
yes I try that three times and still nothing
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
WopsS - 28.02.2014
You maked something wrong, you get "[19:52:58] Loading plugin: mysql
[19:52:58] Failed.".
You dont have mysql.dll in your "plugins" folder.
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 28.02.2014
Yes I have and still nothing
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
SwisherSweet - 28.02.2014
It failed to load clearly it wouldn't work -_-
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 28.02.2014
anyone? please
Re: [HELP] mysq problem -
Luca12 - 01.03.2014