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Admin List Help - Printable Version

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Admin List Help - AwokenNeoX - 28.02.2014

hello I create /admins he shows the list but he shows in the Chat: Unknown command.

My Command:

    new str[500], tempstr[128], admrank[23], admduty[9];

    for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
        if(AccInfo[i][Level] >= 3 && AccInfo[i][Hide] == 0)
                case 1: admrank = "Player";
                case 2: admrank = "Trusted Player";
                case 3: admrank = "Admin Level 3";
                case 4: admrank = "Admin Level 4";
                case 5: admrank = "Admin Level 5";
                case 6: admrank = "Admin Level 6";
                case 7: admrank = "Admin Level 7";
                case 8: admrank = "Admin Level 8";
                case 9: admrank = "Admin Level 9";
                case 10: admrank = "Admin Level 10";
                case 0: admduty = "Playing!";
                case 1: admduty = "On Duty!";
            format(tempstr ,sizeof tempstr, "%s(ID:%i)  Admin Level: %d\n", PlayerName2(i), i, AccInfo[i][Level]);
            strcat(str, tempstr);
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1337, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Online Admins", str, "Close", "");
Now my Secound problem is I want to create /tps A list of Trusted Players (Admin Level 2) but only tps

My Admin Sytsem

if(AccInfo[i][Level] = 2

Re: Admin List Help - PrivatioBoni - 28.02.2014

Where's your
pawn Код:
return 1;

AW: Re: Admin List Help - AwokenNeoX - 28.02.2014

Okay fixed not but I cant create the /tps command