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HELP morepickups to 1 dialog - Printable Version

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HELP morepickups to 1 dialog - djfarmer - 23.02.2014

im am pretty new in pawnocoding. and i am making my own server

now i am having a little problem.
i need to have 4 pickups doing the same thing.
but i can't get it to work

screen shot pickupcode
what i want to do is make Pickup_boatdelivery = to al 4 pickups at the same time
	//change skin pickups
	Pickup_boatdriver = CreatePickup(1247, 2,-1697.5472,-1677.4404,5.2494, 0);
	Pickup_boatdriver = CreatePickup(1247, 2,2288.8477,521.9287,1.9425, 0);
	Pickup_boatdriver = CreatePickup(1247, 2,2359.6619,525.5380,1.7969, 0);
	Pickup_boatdriver = CreatePickup(1247, 2,-3771.3081,648.2825,1.8708, 0);
// This callback gets called when a player picks up any pickup
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	if( pickupid == Pickup_boatdriver)
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, Dialogboatdelivery, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "select a skin:"," skin1\r\n skin2", "select", "cancel"); // Let the player pick a skin and relcass

	// If the player picks up the Buy_License pickup at the driving school in Doherty
	if (pickupid == Pickup_License)
	    // Ask the player which license he wants to buy
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyLicenses, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_DialogLicenseTitle, TXT_DialogLicenseList, TXT_DialogButtonBuy, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player buy a license

	return 1;
// pick skin dialogs
 Dialog_boatdeliveryskint(playerid, response, listitem)
	// Just close the dialog if the player clicked "Cancel"
	if(!response) return 1;

	switch ( listitem )
        case 0:{
					APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = Classboatdelivery ; // zet de class van de speler gelijk aan boatdelivery
					SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 19);
		case 1: {
					APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = Classboatdelivery ; // zet de class van de speler gelijk aan boatdelivery
					SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 18);

    return 1;
		case Dialogboatdelivery: Dialog_boatdeliveryskint(playerid, response, listitem);

Re: HELP morepickups to 1 dialog - Necip - 23.02.2014

Did you even compile your code? I can see some mistakes there. Also, give us the code with [pawn] [/*pawn] tags(without the *).

Re: HELP morepickups to 1 dialog - djfarmer - 23.02.2014

ow oke and yea i did compile the code it used to work when i only had 1 pickup but beceause there are 3 pickups more now only the last 1 works so i try'd with an array and then it gave some problems