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Updating a players pos with timer - Printable Version

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Updating a players pos with timer - ross8839 - 22.02.2014

Okay, so I want to make a /take command for a restrained player, and every 100-500ms it will set the players pos to the police officer using /take...

and i get him to teleport, but the timer doesn't keep repeating the teleport function but repeats the command if that makes sense... anyone have any idea of how i can do this, code with comments is good, but if you tell me everything i need to know to make it, that's great.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Updating a players pos with timer - BroZeus - 22.02.2014

can u tell more clearly what u want

Re: Updating a players pos with timer - Smileys - 22.02.2014



look at the "repeat" parameter, set it to true.

then later on kill the timer so it won't go on indefinitely.

Re : Updating a players pos with timer - S4t3K - 22.02.2014

Also don't forget to set a variable to the timer for properly using KillTimer

For example

PHP код:

new ptimer// ptimer like pos timer

public UpdatePlayerPos(playerid)
// Don't know what you wanna do, so i'll use it with SetPlayerCheckpoint
for(new 0MAX_PLAYERS;p++)
== playerid) continue;
        else return 
// In ur command

ptimer SetTimerEx("UpdatePlayerPos"500true"d"playerid);

// In the command to stop

if(strcmp(cmdtext"/stoptimer"true) == 0)
"Timer killed");