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Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Printable Version

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Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Norrin - 18.02.2014

I've seen hundreds of servers which are using the NG:RP script and still running with a good player base.
My question is if using scripts like that going to end up a server getting removed from the SA-MP server list?

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Vince - 18.02.2014

Depends on whether the original owners file a complaint, in which case your server will most likely get blacklisted from the master list. In addition, the server host may decided to suspsend your account.

However, if you'd have only one grain of self respect you'd just stay away from obviously stolen or leaked scripts.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Flake. - 18.02.2014

Last time I checked NG:RP have copyrighted their script & images so yes, it would be.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Clad - 18.02.2014

Making copy of servers can get your server kicked from servers list ?

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Infinity - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by Clad
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Making copy of servers can get your server kicked from servers list ?
Using scripts you're not allowed to use can make that happen, yes.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - FlawPaw - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by Clad
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Making copy of servers can get your server kicked from servers list ?

And no its not legal using ngg script, they can only CP the imgs, ts3 icons etc but NOT the script. The script was made using PAWNO which is not created by them, the plugins, cmd processors and etc. So they aint got shit to copyright

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - iZN - 18.02.2014

They're copyrighted, you can't use them. If someone even tries to use them, it is possible that they will end up in account suspension. The best way to prevent these types of issue is, make your own script or download any script from forum and edit it (if you're newbie in scripting).

@FlawPaw: You can't use it. That's what I know. Script like PLA released and then the thread was removed with all of the download links vanished for infringing DMCA right or something.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Infinity - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by FlawPaw
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And no its not legal using ngg script, they can only CP the imgs, ts3 icons etc but NOT the script. The script was made using PAWNO which is not created by them, the plugins, cmd processors and etc. So they aint got shit to copyright
You don't know how copyright works do you. If I make a C program in VIM using the stdio, stdlib and system libraries, does that mean I do not have copyright over the work I made?

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - dannyk0ed - 18.02.2014

I don't think they would care a lot if a server with a player base of 10 uses their script.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Cuhz - 18.02.2014

My vps got taken down because I had a ts server with nggs icons on, I emailed them; got it back instantly, lul.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - X3nZ - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by Norrin
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I've seen hundreds of servers which are using the NG:RP script and still running with a good player base.
My question is if using scripts like that going to end up a server getting removed from the SA-MP server list?
Answer to the question, NGG wouldn't like it but no one cares about NGG.

Why not just be creative and unique? There are lots of servers running that script, so what makes you think you'll succeed as a server longer than a month, by using that script?

Personally, I wouldn't want to see another server advertisement that says "Unique & Refunding".

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Rube - 18.02.2014

It depends on it's own server scripters if they send ticket for samp team therefore the server that are using the samp script will get blacklisted if not then the server will stay normally

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - KevinPRINCE - 18.02.2014

Well they think they got the best Photoshoppers ever, in addition people can photoshop Icons exactly like theirs like I did, that doesn't mean I copied them. And as for when it comes to the script, you can file a legal case against them to the court cause once you edit/crack something people tend to say the copyright breaks so you won't be guaranteed a replace and etc. (Like Sony) I don't see how they should claim a copyright thats broken. Besides they are not the only ones that can create scripts like theirs, they don't have the worlds best programmers. Anyways we all know NGG is an edit of GF so they don't have the right to copyright it.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - -Shifty- - 18.02.2014

Aslong you keep the credits in it, I think it will be legal.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - BlueBaron - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by KevinPRINCE
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Anyways we all know NGG is an edit of GF so they don't have the right to copyright it.
This^. Everyone knows that NGG is an edit of GF, and most of it code was built from tutorials on the forum. Its not me that says this, its the ex-NGG scripters themselves.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - AlonzoTorres - 18.02.2014

Is it illegal to be an idiot? No, I don't think so. With that being said, why would anyone like to be an idiot?

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - ikey07 - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by FlawPaw
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And no its not legal using ngg script, they can only CP the imgs, ts3 icons etc but NOT the script. The script was made using PAWNO which is not created by them, the plugins, cmd processors and etc. So they aint got shit to copyright
You can copyright a pawno script, as its your creation, so by what you just said, none can copyright a website, only because they used php which is not their creation? or you cant copyright a software if it was made with C++ ?

Im also in process to copyright my script, needs to redo few snippets and Im good to go.

And about topic, whats point of even make a server with the same script? Sounds like an admin wannabe, you will never be as them, don't try to be others, but offer us something unique! dont be a copy cat.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - Oh - 18.02.2014

If someone uses your script that's owned by your community and someone uses it without the original communities consent, the SA-MP team will have the server removed if you e-mail them as the owner of the community.

I've had atleast 20-25 servers shut down in the course of running my community for the past 3 years.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - thefatshizms - 18.02.2014

I've got to say this as it's quite annoying. It's called a PAWN script NOT PAWNO script. Pawno is just the pawn IDE that comes with the server package.

Re: Is using the NG:RP script illegal? - AlonzoTorres - 18.02.2014

Originally Posted by thefatshizms
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I've got to say this as it's quite annoying. It's called a PAWN script NOT PAWNO script. Pawno is just the pawn IDE that comes with the server package.
Yep, I feel like this short snippet might be useful for some:

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Pawn, formerly known as Small, is an open source scripting language primarily intended as an embeddable scripting language. It is maintained by the Dutch company CompuPhase, which released the first version in 1998.[3]