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GetSkin (+rep) - Printable Version

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GetSkin (+rep) - ScripteRMKD - 11.02.2014

Hi All.I posted topic thread for help and we halped me Thanks but i have now problem ... I defined this...

pawn Код:
new auw = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
Skin = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 240.0, "_");
TextDrawUseBox(Skin, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(Skin, 0x000000FF);
TextDrawTextSize(Skin, 40.0, 40.0);
TextDrawSetPreviewModel(Skin, auw);
And when i logging in textdraw have picture on CJ Skin but i have Police Officer Skin ... How to make to get skins and set to textdraw ? Code please )) Sorry for bad english and spam Thanks

Re: GetSkin (+rep) - ScripteRMKD - 12.02.2014

Bump help please

Re: GetSkin (+rep) - Aliassassin123456 - 12.02.2014

Put your code after your SetPlayerSkin
Edit: SetSpawnInfo will never set player skin before spawn

Re: GetSkin (+rep) - ScripteRMKD - 12.02.2014

I dont under Stand you

Re: GetSkin (+rep) - Aliassassin123456 - 12.02.2014

Where do you change player skin to Police officer? put your textdraw codes after there.

Re: GetSkin (+rep) - ScripteRMKD - 12.02.2014

On /setskin command

Edit: I think I understand where I change the skin on registering ad setskin command to make texdraw set string or?