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All worlds but without id 0 - Printable Version

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All worlds but without id 0 - _NosiK_ - 06.02.2014

I need to make object to all virtual worlds but It mustn't be in VW 0.. I put it high but some cars were falling down.

I tried to do this:
CreateDynamicObjectEx(19377, -2909.10083, 452.56964, 3.90140,   0.00000, 90.00000, 0.00000, 0.0, 200.0, {1 .. 1000}, {2});
But when I wanted to compile, the compiler crashed :-/

I know.. I can do it through the cycle but I don't want to make 1000 objects.

Sorry for mistakes, I can't English very well

Re: All worlds but without id 0 - MrTinder - 06.02.2014

Why not use function

CreateVWDynamicObject(world, model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz);

Re: All worlds but without id 0 - _NosiK_ - 06.02.2014

But I need some other streamer, not?

Re: All worlds but without id 0 - MrTinder - 06.02.2014

You need streamer include?What more u wanna?

Re: All worlds but without id 0 - _NosiK_ - 06.02.2014

Ok, thank you.