[09:47:09]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [09:47:09]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [09:47:09]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [09:47:09]+ [debug] #0 0001af9c in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94 [09:47:09]+ [debug] #1 00006d6c in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=16, cmdtext[]=@0x010d1484 "/AWSGDAYUKWDGJKQAWGSGDAWGJIWDG...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [09:47:09]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [09:47:09]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [09:47:09]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [09:47:09]+ [debug] #0 00019c40 in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\ZCMD.inc:94 [09:47:09]+ [debug] #1 0000d4bc in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=16, cmdtext[]=@0x01080b7c "/AWSGDAYUKWDGJKQAWGSGDAWGJIWDG...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [09:47:09]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [09:47:09]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [09:47:09]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [09:47:09]+ [debug] #0 000002b4 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=16, cmdtext[]=@0x00005808 "/AWSGDAYUKWDGJKQAWGSGDAWGJIWDG...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCS && !CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandReceived", "is", playerid, cmdtext))
return 1;
while (cmdtext[++pos] > ' ')
funcname[pos-1] = tolower(cmdtext[pos]);
format(funcname, sizeof(funcname), "cmd_%s", funcname);
while (cmdtext[pos] == ' ') pos++;
if (!cmdtext[pos])
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCE)
return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandPerformed", "isi", playerid, cmdtext, CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, "\1"));
return CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, "\1");
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCE)
return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandPerformed", "isi", playerid, cmdtext, CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, cmdtext[pos]));
return CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, cmdtext[pos]);
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCS && !CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandReceived", "is", playerid, cmdtext))
return 1;
while (cmdtext[++pos] > ' ')
if(pos > MAX_FUNC_NAME) break;
else funcname[pos-1] = tolower(cmdtext[pos]);
format(funcname, sizeof(funcname), "cmd_%s", funcname);
while (cmdtext[pos] == ' ') pos++;
if (!cmdtext[pos])
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCE)
return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandPerformed", "isi", playerid, cmdtext, CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, "\1"));
return CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, "\1");
if (zcmd_g_HasOPCE)
return CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerCommandPerformed", "isi", playerid, cmdtext, CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, cmdtext[pos]));
return CallLocalFunction(funcname, "is", playerid, cmdtext[pos]);
Open zcmd.inc and replace:
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
[15:55:52]+ Number of vehicle models: 86 [15:56:35]+ Incoming connection: [15:56:35]+ [join] test3113 has joined the server (0: [15:56:51]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:51]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:51]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:51]+ [debug] #0 0001af9c in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94 [15:56:51]+ [debug] #1 00006d6c in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x010d152c "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [15:56:51]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:51]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:51]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:51]+ [debug] #0 00019c40 in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\ZCMD.inc:94 [15:56:51]+ [debug] #1 0000d4bc in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x01080b7c "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [15:56:51]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:51]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:51]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:51]+ [debug] #0 000002b4 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x00005808 "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94 [15:56:51]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:51]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:51]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:51]+ [debug] #0 00000200 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0x00000000, 0x000011e8) from maths.amx [15:56:53]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:53]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:53]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:53]+ [debug] #0 0001af9c in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94 [15:56:53]+ [debug] #1 00006d6c in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x010d152c "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Test\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [15:56:53]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:53]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:53]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:53]+ [debug] #0 00019c40 in ?? (... <2 arguments>) at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\ZCMD.inc:94 [15:56:53]+ [debug] #1 0000d4bc in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x01080b7c "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:929 [15:56:53]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:53]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:53]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:53]+ [debug] #0 000002b4 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0x00005808 "/gsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...") at C:\Users\MaHdy\Desktop\SPA Server original\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:94 [15:56:53]+ [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [15:56:53]+ [debug] Accessing element at index 32 past array upper bound 31 [15:56:53]+ [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:56:53]+ [debug] #0 00000200 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0x00000000, 0x000011e8) from maths.amx [15:56:55]+ [part] test3113 has left the server (0:1)
if(pos > MAX_FUNC_NAME) break; // preventing the runtime error.
else funcname[pos-1] = tolower(cmdtext[pos]);
Using the second code I posted prevents it from happening. Are you sure you replaced it and save it? Also that you modified the correct zcmd.inc that you use for your scripts? It still shows the line 94 and the array is on line 95 which prooves the include doesn't use:
pawn Код:
CMD:admins(playerid,params[]) { new IsOnline = 0; strdel(JLstring,0,500); foreach(Player, i) { if (pInfo[i][pLevel] >= 1 && pInfo[i][AHide] == 0) { switch(pInfo[i][pLevel]) { case 1: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_1; LevelColor = LEVEL_1_COLOR; } case 2: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_2; LevelColor = LEVEL_2_COLOR; } case 3: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_4; LevelColor = LEVEL_3_COLOR; } case 4: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_3; LevelColor = LEVEL_4_COLOR; } case 5: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_5; LevelColor = LEVEL_5_COLOR; } default: { LevelName = ADMIN_LEVEL_6; LevelColor = LEVEL_6_COLOR; } } if (IsPlayerAdmin(i)) format(Jstring, 128, "{FF0000}%s - Level: %d (RCON Administrator)\n",GetName(i),pInfo[i][pLevel]); else format(Jstring, 128, "%s%s - Level: %d (%s)\n",LevelColor,GetName(i),pInfo[i][pLevel],LevelName); strcat(JLstring, Jstring, sizeof(JLstring)); IsOnline++; } } if (IsOnline == 0) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{00FFE6}Online admins","{FF0000}No admins are online!" ,"OK",""); else { if(IsOnline == 1) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{00FFE6}1 admin online",JLstring ,"OK",""); else format(Jstring, 128, "{00FFE6}%d admins online",IsOnline), ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,Jstring,JLstring ,"OK",""); } strdel(JLstring,0,500); return 1; }
CMD:vips(playerid,params[]) { new IsOnline = 0; strdel(JLstring,0,500); foreach(Player, i) { if (pInfo[i][Donator] >= 1) { switch(pInfo[i][Donator]) { case 1: { LevelName = VIP_LEVEL_1; LevelColor = VIP_1_COLOR; } case 2: { LevelName = VIP_LEVEL_2; LevelColor = VIP_2_COLOR; } default: { LevelName = VIP_LEVEL_3; LevelColor = VIP_3_COLOR; } } format(Jstring, 128, "%s%s - Level: %d (%s)\n",LevelColor,GetName(i),pInfo[i][Donator],LevelName); strcat(JLstring, Jstring, sizeof(JLstring)); IsOnline++; } } if (IsOnline == 0) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{00FFE6}Online V.I.P members","{FF0000}No V.I.P members online!" ,"OK",""); else { if(IsOnline == 1) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{00FFE6}1 V.I.P member online",JLstring ,"OK",""); else format(Jstring, 128, "{00FFE6}%d V.I.P members online",IsOnline), ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JDIALOGS+165,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,Jstring,JLstring ,"OK",""); } strdel(JLstring,0,500); return 1; }