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Dehashing passes? - Printable Version

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Dehashing passes? - Jason_Roul - 02.02.2014

So how am I off de-hassing which was Hashed with Hash();?
It's really urgent as I've hashed a password in one I account I made back in the day that contains my information of my paypal account which also contains 5000$.

Re: Dehashing passes? - Misiur - 02.02.2014

Hashing is a one way process. Create list of your common passwords, hash them using the same method, and compare if there is a match with the initial hash.

#e: Unless that was outdated hash, like md5, or sha1. You can use rainbow tables and get your password back.

Re: Dehashing passes? - Audi_Quattrix - 02.02.2014

Password are hashed to secure them.
They are not meant to be De-hashed

Re: Dehashing passes? - Jason_Roul - 03.02.2014

What method is samp using to Hash though?

Re: Dehashing passes? - Hoborific - 03.02.2014

whirlpool most likely.

Re: Dehashing passes? - Vince - 03.02.2014

Nothing. All hash implementations are created by users. No way to tell.