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Name checker - Printable Version

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Name checker - CH | FuDo - 01.02.2014

Hey guys, I need the RolePlayNameChecker. I ******d, but I need Checker which will check for "_", then first letter of name and surname need to be capital letters, and to check for numbers in player's nick. Thank you.

Re: Name checker - Konstantinos - 01.02.2014

pawn Код:
stock NameCheck(const source[])
        length = strlen(source);
    if (!(3 <= length <= 20)) return 0;
        pos = strfind(source, "_");
    if (pos == -1) return 0;
    for (new i; i != length; ++i)
        switch (source[i])
            case '_': ++us_count;
        if (!i || i == pos + 1)
            switch (source[i])
                case 'A' .. 'Z': continue;
                default: return 0;
        else if (i && i != pos && i != pos + 1)
            switch (source[i])
                case 'a' .. 'z': continue;
                default: return 0;
    return (us_count == 1 && source[length - 1] != '_');

Re: Name checker - CH | FuDo - 01.02.2014

Could you explain me, how this works, what I need to do?

Thank you for fast answer. REP+ for you.

Re: Name checker - Konstantinos - 01.02.2014

It returns 1 if the name is valid (1 underscore only, the first letters of name/surname to be capital and the rest lowercase, not containing numbers or any other character other than alphabet letters and not underscore in the beginning or end of the name).

An example:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    GetPlayerName(playerid, sz_Name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    if (!NameCheck(sz_Name))
        // invalid name..
        // Kick..
        return 1;
    // rest of code..
    return 1;