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Problem on Mysql?? - Printable Version

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Problem on Mysql?? - Joaogl - 31.01.2014


I want to return a VARCHAR from the DB which contains "Running like a chicken"

When I have this code:

public GetBanReason(banid, out[250], type) {
    new query[300];
	if (type == 1) format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM PermaBans WHERE BanID = '%i'", banid);
	else format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM TempBans WHERE BanID = '%i'", banid);
	mysql_query(mysql, query);

	if(!mysql_num_rows()) format(out, sizeof(out),"There is no ban information");
 	else {
		new var[250];
 		while (mysql_fetch_row_format("|")) {
			if (type == 1) cache_get_row(0, 4, var);
			else cache_get_row(0, 7, var);
		format(out, sizeof(out),"%s", var);
		format(out, sizeof(out),"%s", var);
    return 1;
the print is:
Running like chicken

Btw I dont know where the LL came from... (is part of the bug..)

Mysql Log: "[18:15:36] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '4', data: "Running like chicken" "

On the other hand if I use this code: (its only one format smaller...)

public GetBanReason(banid, out[250], type) {
    new query[300];
	if (type == 1) format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM PermaBans WHERE BanID = '%i'", banid);
	else format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM TempBans WHERE BanID = '%i'", banid);
	mysql_query(mysql, query);

	if(!mysql_num_rows()) format(out, sizeof(out),"There is no ban information");
 	else {
		new var[250];
 		while (mysql_fetch_row_format("|")) {
			if (type == 1) cache_get_row(0, 4, var);
			else cache_get_row(0, 7, var);
		format(out, sizeof(out),"%s", var);
    return 1;
it prints:

And I dont know where it came from...

Mysql Log: " [18:20:37] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '4', data: "Running like chicken" "

Why is it happening? What is happening? how to solve it? is there any better way?

PS: The out variable is empty at the beginning...

Re: Problem on Mysql?? - Joaogl - 01.02.2014

No one?

Re: Problem on Mysql?? - Vince - 01.02.2014

You should not ever use fetch_row and retrieve_row at the same time since both functions increase the row pointer. It's probably trying to fetch a second - non-existent - row which returns NULL, breaking the whole thing.