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inputtext problem - Printable Version

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inputtext problem - gahal156 - 29.01.2014

		        new uFile[35];
			    format(uFile, 35, "users/%s.ini", PlayerName(playerid));
			    new INI:playerFile = INI_Open(uFile);
			    new pword[128];
				format(pword, sizeof(pword), "%s", Hash(inputtext));
			    INI_WriteString(playerFile, "Password", pword);
			    new string[256];
			    format(string, sizeof(string), "Your password is: %s, your hash password is: %s", inputtext, pword);
The result is just wrong...
For example:
When I enter the password: "123456".
This is the result:
"Your password is: 1424QT(very wierd), your hash password is: Doesn't mater..."
And this is the dialog line:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Register", "Please enter a password in order to register to the server.", "Register", "Cancel");

Re: inputtext problem - Smileys - 29.01.2014

it's because you echo the hashed one, lol.

Re: inputtext problem - gahal156 - 29.01.2014

I printed the normal one and the hashed one :/
inputtext, pword

Don't you check before?

Re: inputtext problem - gahal156 - 30.01.2014

Help please, will give +rep

Re: inputtext problem - Smileys - 30.01.2014

you don't have to format it into another variable.

pawn Код:
                new uFile[35];
                format(uFile, 35, "users/%s.ini", PlayerName(playerid));
                new INI:playerFile = INI_Open(uFile);
                INI_WriteString(playerFile, "Password", pword);
                new string[256];
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Your password is: %s, your hash password is: %s", inputtext, Hash( inputtext ) );
try that.

Re: inputtext problem - Threshold - 30.01.2014

Show your Hash function, I'm assuming that it's overwriting it.
pawn Код:
or something similar?