>>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< - Printable Version
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+--- Thread: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< (
>>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
VenomMancer - 29.01.2014
Hello guys ..
I will make minigames to my Server!
Example commands :
/tdm (for tdm minigames)
So on tdm i make 2 team
but how to make when the player out from minigames the player's Team = nothing ?
because i make anti team kill!
So i need when the player is not join on minigames, they can kill any players.
Thanks ..
Help me for get +REP1
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
VenomMancer - 30.01.2014
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
xZdadyZx - 30.01.2014
OnPlayerCommandText /quitminigame Setplayerpos and SetPlayerTeam.
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
Flake. - 30.01.2014
pawn Код:
new RandomTeams[][] =
CMD:enterminigame(playerid, params[])
new RandomTeam = random(sizeof(RandomTeams));
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, RandomTeam[RandomTeam][0]);
//setplayerpos etc
CMD:exitminigame(playerid, params[])
//your setpos here
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 0);
//the rest of your info on leaving here
Edit it of course
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
qazwsx - 30.01.2014
pawn Код:
#define NONE 5
gTeam[playerid] = NONE;
return 1;
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
CuervO - 30.01.2014
So, let me see.
Before joining a minigame, players all have NO_TEAM and can hurt each other, right?
After joining a minigame, you change their teams (With SetPlayerTeam) so they can't hurt theyselves WHILE playing on that minigame?
If so, you have to set their team back to NO_TEAM or 255 for them to be able to damage each other again. (SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 255)
Team ID 0 is considered among the teams, you have to use 255 or NO_TEAM.
Re: >>>>>>>>> Help with gTeam +REP1 <<<<<<<<<<<< -
VenomMancer - 01.02.2014
Thanks guys
For your explain to me