/fix - /flip - /tow - /kph - /mph - /eject - /ejectall - /clearmods - /trackcar - /v - /sellv - /givecarkeys - /vlock - /valarm - /trunk - /refuel - /rtc - /rac - /setfuel - /addv - /editv - /addealership - /deletedealership - /movedealership - /gotodealership - /addfuelstation - /deletefuelstation - /movefuelstation - /gotofuelstation - /greet - /acceptgreet - /givegun - /dice - /frisk - /revokeguns - /revokedrugs - /use - /buy - /buyboombox - /train - /lockbiz - /enter - /exit - /sellbiz - /bizname - /lockhouse - /buyhouse - /sellhouse - /createhouse - /deletehouse - /housebalance - /housedeposit - /housewithdraw - /buybiz - /bizwithdraw - /bizbalance - /clothes - /dropcigarette - /deposit - /withdraw - /balance - /mask - /pm - /ame - /sms - /call - /pickup - /phone - /hangup - /commands - /vehiclehelp - /househelp - /businesshelp - /giverespect - /use - /pay - /givedrug - /me - /do - /b - /(o)oc - /oocstatus - /advertise - /low - /report - /helpme - /help - /shout - /stats - /opencell - /closecell - /opendoor - /closedoor - /cuff - /uncuff - /megaphone - /radio - /duty - /arrest - /locker - /licenses - /acceptdeath - /takedrivingtest - /engine - /lights - /animlist |
/givemoney - /setweather - /warn - /ban - /unbanip - /offlineban - /unban - /bank - /adminduty - /ajail - /setskin - /freeze - /unfreeze - /makeadmin - /gethere - /goto - /spraytag - /arevokeguns - /arevokedrugs - /kick - /adminchat - /a - /announcement - /veh - /clearchat - /respawnvehicles - /spec - /specoff - /mute - /unmute - /acceptreport - /markfalse - /setvw - /setinterior - /sethp - /setarmour - /agivegun - /createbiz - /createhouse - /deletebiz - /deletehouse - /agiveboombox - /agotohouse - /alockbiz - /agotobiz - /abizname - /asellhouse - /admincommands - /acmds - /agivedrug - /asellbiz - /alockhouse - /agivedrug - /prison |
I might not call this basic, compared to the commands, it looks really complicated. Good job.
[21:22:29] Script[gamemodes/Roleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [21:22:29] Number of vehicle models: 0
I get this 1 error, when I tried to turn on my VPS with the gamemode to test it..
[21:22:29] Script[gamemodes/Roleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [21:22:29] Number of vehicle models: 0 |
[23:00:26] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Init [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Join [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Leave [23:00:26] [debug] sscanf [23:00:26] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Init [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Join [23:00:26] [debug] SSCANF_Leave [23:00:26] [debug] sscanf
I get this 1 error, when I tried to turn on my VPS with the gamemode to test it..
[21:22:29] Script[gamemodes/Roleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [21:22:29] Number of vehicle models: 0 |