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Old bug SAMP? - HitnKill - 25.01.2014

Hi, i think it's an good idea to report this bug with this "RC".

Apparently when a player aim with Eagle example and don't move (the mouse and her position), OPU(onplayerupdate) is don't called just after (5 or 6 sec after) or is "less" called and the hourglass appears.

I have an system to detect when a player is AFK-ECHAP (detected with OPU onplayerupdate) and it's a problem for me example i respawn a player on "Event" when is AFK-ECHAP during 5 second example.

If you need a video tell me.

Re: Old bug SAMP? - [D]ry[D]esert - 25.01.2014

Originally Posted by HitnKill
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If you need a video tell me.

Re: Old bug SAMP? - Michalec - 25.01.2014

I don't need any video, because I have the same problem :P

This have to be repaired.

Re: Old bug SAMP? - cessil - 25.01.2014

not sure what you're talking about, working just fine for me, even waited over a minute without moving and it was still being called

AW: Old bug SAMP? - BigETI - 26.01.2014

If a player does not move (including camera rotation) and the player shoots with a machine gun, the server won't call OPU for ammo change.

Re : Old bug SAMP? - HitnKill - 26.01.2014

Tomorow i upload an video

Re : Old bug SAMP? - HitnKill - 27.01.2014

I have this variable EscapeTime[playerid].

On Opu i use for test:
PHP код:
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, -1"EscapeTime: %d",EscapeTime[playerid]);
EscapeTime[playerid] > 0EscapeTime[playerid] = 0
And with an timer 1000 ms i increment my variable.

Video: [ame]*******_gdata[/ame]

Tested on RC2

Re: Old bug SAMP? - cessil - 27.01.2014

yes well it seems like it's a problem in your script seeing as I could not reproduce it

Re : Old bug SAMP? - HitnKill - 28.01.2014

Strange how i can create this bug?? I think i test this week with basic GM.

Re : Old bug SAMP? - HitnKill - 30.01.2014

It's not my GM i try on other GM "barron", keep pressing the left click and right click and try again and again

Video: [ame][/ame]

Tested on RC4