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Filterscripts loading error ! . - Printable Version

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Filterscripts loading error ! . - turkromeo - 25.01.2014

Hi guys i added house system filterscripts my server , but when i starting server ;

[14:00:28] Filterscripts
[14:00:28] ---------------
[14:00:28] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

my ;

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password rcon
hostname sw ismi (moddanda dьzenleyin bunları)
gamemode0 sa 1
filterscripts House_System evsistemi xVehicle
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
mapname SanFierro/Turkiye
port 9380
maxplayers 30
query 1
announce 1
i have linux server..

Re : Filterscripts loading error ! . - MCZOFT - 25.01.2014

Recompile your filterscripts and gamemod with latest includes , it will work

Re: Filterscripts loading error ! . - turkromeo - 25.01.2014

Same again Loaded 0 filterscripts.

Re : Filterscripts loading error ! . - MCZOFT - 25.01.2014

Then you have 3 solutions .. are :

1- search in the script for this "sendrconcommand(...something like that " if it exist tell it to me to know what to do ,
2- You should copy that filterscript.amx after compiling file and then past it in the Filterscript Folders correctly

3- Delete that Server.Cfg and get a new one and Configure it from beginning ..

Re: Filterscripts loading error ! . - turkromeo - 25.01.2014

MAN SO THANKS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))9