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Vehicle Full, How to edit? - Printable Version

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Vehicle Full, How to edit? - MrAcoustic - 23.01.2014

my scripts have vehicle 2000 (full), I want add vehicle more.

How to edit?, Thanks for the answer.

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - Dignity - 23.01.2014

Do you mean this?

EDIT: If you mean your script has reached it's vehicle capacity, use the streamer plugin or load more through a filterscript.

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - MP2 - 23.01.2014

Originally Posted by Mionee
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load more through a filterscript.
The vehicle limit isn't per-script..

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - MrAcoustic - 23.01.2014

I want sample, my server have vehicle 2000.
Can not added veh. ):

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - PowerPC603 - 23.01.2014

Not possible.
And Incognito's streamer doesn't stream vehicles.
Max limit is 1999 vehicles (not 2000).
Valid vehicle-id's go from 1 to 1999.

Adding another vehicle after 1999 will get vehicle-id 65535 (INVALID_VEHICLE_ID).

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - Pottus - 23.01.2014

Why would anyone need more than 2000 vehicles? SAMP only supports 1000 max anyways.

Re: Vehicle Full, How to edit? - thimo - 24.01.2014

Wow you dont even know what you are talking about Pottus. Samp has a max of 1999 vehicles.