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Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Printable Version

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Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Riddick94 - 21.01.2014

Hi! First of all, I've found this topic, and read everything in there, and something helped, seemed to be like my while loop was faulty, and fixed it.


And server was working perfectly fine, but now, when I am trying to connect today, it's kicking me again, screen just freezing at the first camera point with message "Connected. Joining the game..."

[08:12:55] Incoming connection:
[08:13:03] *** Audio Plugin: Incoming connecting from
[08:13:14] *** Audio Plugin: Incoming connecting from
[08:13:25] Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
Once again, everything was perfectly fine YESTERDAY, until server get shutted down. I've tried changing ports, more editions in gamemode and I don't know what else. I ran out of ideas.


Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - ACI - 21.01.2014


Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Riddick94 - 21.01.2014

Originally Posted by ACI
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Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - ACI - 21.01.2014

Sorry for being rude, well anyways, have this ever happened before you did some changes with your server?
What changes have you done before these messages showed up?
For example, a person has a normal running server, he adds a plugin and then something like this happens.

Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Kyle - 21.01.2014

I sometimes get this when I use GMX.

When I GMX, the GMX doesn't execute, plus timers no longer call etc. I tried changemode, same problem.

Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Don_Cage - 21.01.2014

well once this happend to me aswell, problem was so stupid i edited onvehiclespawn and i put 2x when i set licensplate to respawn car 2 times,then it caused server freezes i even logoff and i check list ping is aight im still on server and everything looks fine but when somone try login server close connection and he keeps logged in on the list problem was everytime when i do carreset or respawn car server would freeze,this is just example. So what i try to say problem can be some stupid line and dont even need to be something bigger than 1 line
You should check what did you do in gamemode for the last 2 updates

Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Riddick94 - 21.01.2014

Well, that is weird, because I don't call GMX command in server (not at all) and I don't use any OnVehicle callbacks, not even vehicles (yet). Problem is kind a funny, because my web designer, whenever he restarted the server, it wasn't working (worked only two times), he went off so I've told him before he go, to teach me how to restart server, and it works everytime when I restart the server. Seriously, I have no idea what is going on..

So basically, everything is fixed now, I don't know what to say?

Re: Kicking (IP) because they didn't logon to the game. - Riddick94 - 21.01.2014

EDIT (Important)

Actually.. it still doing it o.o, gamemode works, but after some time you just can't connect!

Well, also my IP is forwarded so I can set my private server ON, people are connecting properly, but in official server you just can't connect.