stock CheckBan(playerid)
new dquery[256];
format(dquery, sizeof(dquery), "SELECT FROM `bans` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", getIP(playerid));
mysql_tquery(SQL, dquery, "", "");
if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)
new reason[128], admin[25], pIp[25];
cache_get_field_content(0, "Reason", reason);
cache_get_field_content(0, "BannedBy", admin);
cache_get_field_content(0, "IP", pIp);
new string[1024];
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have been blocked from playing here at Rural Roleplay.\n\nInformation of this ban:\n\n\nBanning Administrator: %s\nReason For Ban: %s\n\nYour Name: %s\nYour IP: %s - This IP is blocked", admin, reason, RemoveUnderScore(playerid), getIP(playerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_UNUSED, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Information", string, "Exit", "");
printf("%s", string);
else return 1;
return 1;
format(dquery, sizeof(dquery), "SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", getIP(playerid));
I've also tried using the two parameters, Vince but it gave the same result: nothing.
Can you provide me the codes that _should_ insert it? Thanks for helping, too |
stock CheckBan(playerid) {
new dquery[256];
format(dquery, sizeof(dquery), "SELECT FROM `bans` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", getIP(playerid));
mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, dquery, true, "CheckBanSQL", "d", playerid);
return 1;
forward CheckBanSQL(playerid);
public CheckBanSQL(playerid) {
new id_string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
//new id;
new rows,fields;
if(rows > 0) {
new reason[128], admin[25], pIp[25];
format(reason, sizeof(id_string), "%s", id_string);
format(admin, sizeof(id_string), "%s", id_string);
format(ip, sizeof(id_string), "%s", id_string);
new string[1024];
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have been blocked from playing here at Rural Roleplay.\n\nInformation of this ban:\n\n\nBanning Administrator: %s\nReason For Ban: %s\n\nYour Name: %s\nYour IP: %s - This IP is blocked", admin, reason, RemoveUnderScore(playerid), getIP(playerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_UNUSED, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Information", string, "Exit", "");
printf("%s", string);
return 1;