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error 025: function heading differs from prototype - Printable Version

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error 025: function heading differs from prototype - Riddick94 - 16.01.2014

Pretty sure that I am opening the right Pawno.exe and I am pretty sure that I am having bodypart parameter in

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
That's the code. Anybode else having problem with that? Weird.. never had that before.

Re: error 025: function heading differs from prototype - dugi - 16.01.2014

Are you using YSI? There's an issue with it on 0.3z

Re: error 025: function heading differs from prototype - iZN - 16.01.2014

What includes you are using, mainly OnPlayerTakeDamage/GiveDamage hooked callback would cause the issue related to this error. If you are using YSI bundle, you will need to wait for an update. Other includes would be easy to update.

Re: error 025: function heading differs from prototype - Riddick94 - 16.01.2014

Yep, I do. Thanks for it, I'll have to wait for update from ****** or fix it on my own.


Re: error 025: function heading differs from prototype - iZN - 16.01.2014

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Yep, I do. Thanks for it, I'll have to wait for update from ****** or fix it on my own.

If you're trying that by your own you can try editing, but it didn't work out (I didn't tested it myself but KyleSmith did the same thing, it still gives the same error.)

y_als\, internal\ and y_hooks\

Re: error 025: function heading differs from prototype - [TC]XxJuggaloxX - 17.01.2014


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