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Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Printable Version

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Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Elorreli - 16.01.2014

As in, does it also sync vehicles with weapons (hunter rockets for example)?

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Kyle - 16.01.2014

Kirollos said yes to me.

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Cell_ - 16.01.2014

This sync does not apply to vehicles as per dugi.
It means you still have to lag ram vehicles.

Re : Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Elorreli - 16.01.2014

What about vehicle shooting?

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Cell_ - 16.01.2014

Nothing regarding vehicle sync has been fixed as far as I know. I might be wrong.

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Mauzen - 16.01.2014

OnPlayerWeaponShot works for vehicles. I think this callback uses GTA natives to detect the hits, so it is actually called by the client. But if vehicles are not synced, how is a vehicle hit calculated? The server doesnt know about the vehicle models, and the client could just report about hits of the synced vehicle.
So either vehicles are synced like players, or it works all different than I thought.

Edit: OnPlayerWeaponShot could be called by the client who got hit, just like it was before 0.3z of course. I dont think it works this way though.

Re : Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Elorreli - 16.01.2014

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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OnPlayerWeaponShot works for vehicles. I think this callback uses GTA natives to detect the hits, so it is actually called by the client. But if vehicles are not synced, how is a vehicle hit calculated? The server doesnt know about the vehicle models, and the client could just report about hits of the synced vehicle.
So either vehicles are synced like players, or it works all different than I thought.

Edit: OnPlayerWeaponShot could be called by the client who got hit, just like it was before 0.3z of course. I dont think it works this way though.
Question is if it would be synced if you shoot from a vehicle with a weapon

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Michael@Belgium - 16.01.2014

Originally Posted by Cell_
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This sync does not apply to vehicles as per dugi.
It means you still have to lag ram vehicles.
Would suck tho, if lag ram get fixed/deleted. It's really fun to lagpit other players.

Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Cell_ - 16.01.2014

It wasn't fixed as far as dugi confirmed.
@OP, lag shooting vehicles still applies as far as my knowledge and testing. Feel free to correct me.

Re: Re : Re: Does the new sync apply to vehicles? - Mauzen - 16.01.2014

Originally Posted by Elorreli
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Question is if it would be synced if you shoot from a vehicle with a weapon
My bad, I somehow misread it would be about firing at vehicles, not from vehicles.