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PAWNO wont compile this. - Printable Version

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PAWNO wont compile this. - Ik0n187 - 16.01.2014

Keep getting "cant read foreach" error when trying to compile this to AMX using pawno.

can someone enlighten me on how to get it to compile? or can compile the file for me and upload?

would be appriciated, thanks.

Re: PAWNO wont compile this. - Cannary2048 - 16.01.2014

Did you have in your pawno/include folder?

Re: PAWNO wont compile this. - Wayland - 16.01.2014

You need in your pawno/include
Anyway, here you go

Re: PAWNO wont compile this. - Beckett - 16.01.2014

Are you sure you have a in your pawno/includes?