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[FilterScript] [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - Printable Version

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Advanced Bomb Filterscript [V:0.3] - Best for DM servers! - ACI - 12.01.2014


Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - ACI - 13.01.2014

Edited - Added more screenshots.

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - boomerboom - 13.01.2014

7/10 it's good but post pastebin....I'm at school so I can't download...

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - ACI - 15.01.2014

Pastebin doesn't saves the correct code, it gives me a ton of loos intention warnings.

I am on my tablet.

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - Mckarlis - 15.01.2014

good job +REP hope to see more of your jobs.

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - ACI - 15.01.2014


Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - Wayland - 15.01.2014

Nice job man, 9/10 Rep+

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - HolyScripter - 15.01.2014

Not Bad Right Hahaha

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - Ace155 - 15.01.2014

Great job. Very nice.

Re: [ADVANCED] Bomb filterscript [V:0.2] - ACI - 15.01.2014

Thank you all. You must test the script.