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[21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - Printable Version

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[21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - nGen.SoNNy - 10.01.2014

So i have to find a way to solve or to search the problem about this errors xD If someone have some clues... please post here.

pawn Code:
[21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0')

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - Kaperstone - 10.01.2014
Found this with the first search on ******.
Anyhow,as said in the link,the issue is in the query,if you cannot find the problem - you can post the query here,and maybe we could find a solution. (somehow,someway)

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - nGen.SoNNy - 10.01.2014

I don't have any clue about the error so neighter the code line xD but i will try to use your information.

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - Konstantinos - 10.01.2014

Above the line will display the query.

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - nGen.SoNNy - 12.01.2014

I don't have any "query" displayed..

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - nGen.SoNNy - 18.01.2014

Any other ideas ?

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - GameR16 - 04.02.2014

We have to look to see that cache_get_field_content_int problem ...
To find it quickly, copy it right after you finish the included libraries:

stock bug_get_field_content_int (row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1)
printf ( "row = %i | field_name = %s", row, field_name );
return cache_get_field_content_int (row, field_name, connectionHandle);

#if defined _ALS_get_field_content_int
#undef get_field_content_int
#define _ALS_get_field_content_int
#define get_field_content_int bug_get_field_content_int

A to print all the callings of get_field_content_int, so you can find out about where is the error.

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - scaunel - 18.04.2014

I have the same problem

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - alex02 - 25.03.2015

I have the same problem

Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') - Nin9r - 11.10.2015


Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index (\'0\') - Skinnz - 11.08.2016


Re: [21:01:03] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index (\'0\') - Scofield11 - 09.08.2017

Sorry for bumping, but I also have the same problem
[20:08:36 08/09/17] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index (\'0\') (Query: "SELECT `ID` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = \'Mark_Banger\' LIMIT 1")
[20:08:36 08/09/17] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype
This is from the server script:
		mysql_format(sqlGameConnection, saveQuery, sizeof(saveQuery), "SELECT `ID` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = \'%e\' LIMIT 1", PlayerName(playerid));
		mysql_tquery(sqlGameConnection, saveQuery, "SetPlayerID", "d", playerid);
		printf("mysql_tquery SetPlayerID");