Hello, +1 Rep for assistance - Printable Version
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Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
BradNunchr - 10.01.2014
So I just got a TCADMIN server for SAMP, but when I upload my GM it shows as Unknown, if someone that is with TCADMIN could help me, that would be great (+1 REP)

Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
Tingesport - 10.01.2014
Have you checked the logs and used the crashdetect plugin?
Also checkout this thread
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
BradNunchr - 10.01.2014
I have not used the crashdetect plugin, shld I?
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
StuartD - 10.01.2014
As you get the "Unknown" I advise using the NativeChecker plugin to see if you are missing anything, just upload in ya plugins folder and put at the end of the Plugins line of Server.cfg
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
BradNunchr - 10.01.2014
TCADMIN doesnt allow inserting plugins
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
Mr.Faqahat - 10.01.2014
Originally Posted by BradNunchr
TCADMIN doesnt allow inserting plugins
You have to do that by yourself. Through Filemanager or FTP Make a Folder "Plugins" in your Server folder and In Server.cfg and "Plugins" line under gamemode0.
"Unkown" Is a sign that shows you ar not loading server plugins required by your Script.
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance - Astralis - 10.01.2014
Originally Posted by BradNunchr
TCADMIN doesnt allow inserting plugins
If the OS is windows and your using some hosting provider with TcAdmin, then try to .zip the plugins, upload them and extract. If that does not work, contact your hoster.
Re: Hello, +1 Rep for assistance -
kaisersouse - 10.01.2014
If you're a SmartBytes customer, open a ticket about your inability to upload plugins.