Timer runs longer than it should y_timers -
dusk - 01.01.2014
I just set a repeat timer OnPlayerDeath
pawn Код:
AfterDeathTimer[playerid] = repeat AfterDeathFunction(playerid);
The whole function:
pawn Код:
timer AfterDeathFunction[1000](playerid)
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Pasveiksite po %s",ConvertSecondsString(CountTime[playerid]));
if(CountTime[playerid] <= 0)
printf("AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:%d",CountTime[playerid]);
stop AfterDeathTimer[playerid];
SendClientMessage(playerid,GREEN,"Jūs jau visiљkai sveikas, galite iљeiti iљ ligoninės!");
set.IsAfterDeath[playerid] = false;
return 1;
Seems correct,doesn't it?
pawn Код:
[22:35:12] AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:-2836553[22:35:12] AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:-2836553
You see the print. There are 2836553 lines like that... But the stop code is just under the print line... so what's wrong?
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers - Patrick - 01.01.2014
This should work, you did not even stop the
AfterDeathFunction that's why it keeps running you just stopped the
pawn Код:
timer AfterDeathFunction[1000](playerid)
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Pasveiksite po %s",ConvertSecondsString(CountTime[playerid]));
if(CountTime[playerid] <= 0)
printf("AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:%d",CountTime[playerid]);
stop AfterDeathTimer(playerid);
stop AfterDeathTimer(playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid,GREEN,"Jus jau visiškai sveikas, galite išeiti iš ligonines!");
set.IsAfterDeath[playerid] = false;
return 1;
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers -
dusk - 01.01.2014
But "AfterDeathTimer" is an array
pawn Код:
stop AfterDeathTimer(playerid);
To be sure I did try it and got a compiler error.
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers - Patrick - 01.01.2014
I have no idea why you're using
stop at
AfterDeathTimer if you could do this
pawn Код:
AfterDeathTimer[playerid] = 0;
This should work
This should work, you did not even stop the
AfterDeathFunction that's why it keeps running you just stopped the
pawn Код:
timer AfterDeathFunction[1000](playerid)
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Pasveiksite po %s",ConvertSecondsString(CountTime[playerid]));
if(CountTime[playerid] <= 0)
printf("AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:%d",CountTime[playerid]);
AfterDeathTimer[playerid] = 0, CountTime = 0;
stop AfterDeathTimer(playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid,GREEN,"Jus jau visiљkai sveikas, galite iљeiti iљ ligonines!");
set.IsAfterDeath[playerid] = false;
return 1;
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers -
dusk - 01.01.2014
pawn Код:
AfterDeathTimer[playerid] = 0;
No, this doesn't work, because AfterDeathTimer has tag:
pawn Код:
And you use the variable as it were a function...This is an example from y_timers thread:
pawn Код:
repeat DelayedFunction(42);
Timer:x = repeat DelayedFunction(42);
stop x;
And that is what I followed.
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers - Patrick - 01.01.2014
So basically the timer won't stop because of
repeat &
stop, the output will be this, give me a second, I'll try to re-write the code I have here because I I didn't have that much information.
pawn Код:
- Repeat
- Stop
- Repeat
- Stop
- Repeat
- Stop
// and so on, so it will not stop.
EDIT - After I got enough information, I could help you now :P
pawn Код:
new Timer:AfterDeathTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ], CountTime[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
//Running the timer.
AfterDeathTimer[ playerid ] = repeat AfterDeathFunction(playerid);
//Asigning the seconds of the timer, example.
CountTime[ playerid ] = 60; //60 seconds for example.
timer AfterDeathFunction[1000](playerid)
new str[32];
if(CountTime[playerid] >= 1)
format(str,sizeof(str),"Pasveiksite po %s",ConvertSecondsString(CountTime[playerid]));
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,HospitalDelay[playerid]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,HospitalDelay[playerid]);
else if(CountTime[playerid] <= 0)
printf("AfterDeathTimer still running with CountTime:%d",CountTime[playerid]);
stop AfterDeathTimer[playerid]; //Executing the timer.
CountTime[playerid] = 0; //Executing and returning the array back to its default number ( 0 )
SendClientMessage(playerid,GREEN,"Jus jau visiљkai sveikas, galite iљeiti iљ ligonines!");
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
set.IsAfterDeath[playerid] = false;
return 1;
The simple guide I created to help me, and it worked properly
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <YSI\y_timers>
CountDown = 0,
new playerid = random(501);
Timer[playerid] = repeat AfterDeathFunction(playerid);
CountDown = 5;
timer AfterDeathFunction[1000](playerid)
if(CountDown >= 1)
CountDown --;
printf("%i", CountDown);
else if(CountDown <= 0)
CountDown = 0;
stop Timer[playerid];
printf("%i", CountDown);
Re: Timer runs longer than it should y_timers -
dusk - 01.01.2014
Thanks for the help but the problem was elsewhere(I think). As I mentioned the timer is started OnPlayerDeath. It never occured to me: what if someone dies in a hospital? Then a new timer starts running. But the new timer ID overrides the old one. And there it is, I have no way to stop the timer that was started first.
But I'm still grateful for your time