What time do you go to sleep? -
Cypress - 26.12.2013
Recently I've been asking people this question. Some of my schoolmates are coming with red eyes, looks like they're on drugs, so the first thing I say instead of hi is 'Again, you went to sleep late'.
I used to go to bed like at 3 am and I thought that it's very late but, I was wrong. Some people actually are going to bed at 5 am and wake up at 7 am. That is pain in the ass, right?
Also, I've been looking to some kind of 'what time should you to go to sleep' question and I found millions of different researches. Lot of people are actually say whatever they want and whatever suits them.
I found this interesting image from wikipedia (link to original page:
Another thing is that there is a list of how many hours we have to sleep a day depending on our age and and condition:
Age and condition | Sleep needs |
Newborns (0–2 months) | 12 to 18 hours |
Infants (3–11 months) | 12 to 14 hours |
Toddlers (1–3 years) | 12 to 14 hours |
Preschoolers (3–5 years) | 11 to 13 hours |
School-age children (5–10 years) | 10 to 11 hours |
Adolescents (10–17 years) | 8.5 to 9.25 hours |
Adults, including elderly | 7 to 9 hours |
If you are not taking enough sleep like you are required to by your age, you might suffer from different symptoms and disorders. More information can be found on
I think it's time for most of the kids on this forums to go sleep earlier because it is actually more important to take enough sleep than making pointless threads around the forums, just like me.
Well, good sleep makes the good mind, that's why actually we have to sleep earlier than we want to. It's not when you want to go to sleep, the real sleep is a must!
EDIT: Source link to the following information
I spent some more time on researches and I found exactly the same time board on another website:
Also this probably confirms of what many said here before:
Not only do different age groups need different amounts of sleep, but sleep needs are also individual. Just like any other characteristics you are born with, the amount of sleep you need to function best may be different for you than for someone who is of the same age and gender. While you may be at your absolute best sleeping seven hours a night, someone else may clearly need nine hours to have a happy, productive life. In fact, a 2005 study confirmed the fact that sleep needs vary across populations, and the study calls for further research to identify traits within genes that may provide a "map" to explain how sleep needs differ among individuals.
And also a nice list of what could happen cos of lack of sleep:
- Increased risk of motor vehicle accidents
- Increase in body mass index – a greater likelihood of obesity due to an increased appetite caused by sleep deprivation
- Increased risk of diabetes and heart problems
- Increased risk for psychiatric conditions including depression and substance abuse
- Decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information
The reason why I made this topic is, some of people here don't notice about getting to sleep when they should, I hope they will pay some attention and refresh their mind falling to bed a bit earlier.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Twizted - 26.12.2013
Really depends on what I've done during the day. If I went to the beach and/or played football, vollleyball or tennis, I'd go to bed at 00:00-01:00. If I didn't really do much, besides going to the coffee, walking for an hour, I'd go to bed after 01:00.
I feel like the less I sleep, the less sleepier I feel. I usually sleep about 7 to 8 hours.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Cypress - 26.12.2013
Originally Posted by Twizted
Really depends on what I've done during the day. If I went to the beach and/or played football, vollleyball or tennis, I'd go to bed at 00:00-01:00. If I didn't really do much, besides going to the coffee, walking for an hour, I'd go to bed after 01:00.
I feel like the less I sleep, the less sleepier I feel. I usually sleep about 7 to 8 hours.
I feel the same too sometimes. Not going to sleep at the right time for long time makes your body used to it. I will understand if you say you don't go to school at 7 am but what for those who are? Seems like nowadays people don't take sleep too seriously like 60 years ago, the innovation of technology actually helps it a lot. People get addicted and they forget about sleeping, they go when they fall asleep on their keyboard.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Jstylezzz - 26.12.2013
Same for me, depends on how much energy I have left. Usually when I go to school I sleep for around 7 hours, and things are going fine for me.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Twizted - 26.12.2013
I need to wake up at 7am to go to school, and I usually go to bed at 00:00 at school times. I take sleeping seriously, but I can't sleep past 10am.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Alphlax - 26.12.2013
I sleep at midnight everyday and get up at 7 so 8 hours of sleep
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Danny - 26.12.2013
The same amount of hours here, I always go to bed around 23:30 and wake up at 6:30. So that's 7 hours of sleep.
In the holidays and in the weekends I usually go to bed around 01:00 and wake up somewhere around 10:00, but with greater variations. That's 9 hours. It does not happen often I go to bed early during the week, but in holidays and weekends it does. During the week I have my schoolwork that needs to be completed
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
[WA]iRonan - 26.12.2013
I am reaching that 8.25 hours easy. Not sure today though, can't get asleep so I'll spend my night around the forums I guess.
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Zamora - 26.12.2013
I sleep at 3:00 am and wake up at 9:00 am (while no school)
and I sleep at 1:00 am and wake up at 6:00 am (school)
I always feel tired but I used to do that..
Re: What time do you go to sleep? -
Fool - 26.12.2013
>8.5 to 9.25 wat
Also, I go to bed at 3-4am and wake up at 12am. enough sleep