[FilterScript] RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) - Printable Version
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RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) -
EvanA - 25.12.2013
I decided to make another filter-script for today. It involves the security of your in-game RCON System. It's more than that actually, you can also toggle the ability to log into RCON in-game. It uses ZCMD and foreach, which you'll need for it to compile.
Now, when-ever someone trys to log-into RCON They will either get the password right and move to the secondary rcon(in an inputbox dialog), or get kicked for the wrong pass. RCON Administrators can easily toggle logging in completely by using /togglercon. When the server starts up it's automatically enabled.
Enough talking, here's the download:
Click Here
Download!(Click Me)
If you like it and wanna see more consider pressing that fancy REP button! It only takes a second but will last more than a second!
Re: RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) -
FoxGaming - 25.12.2013
It's useful..
Re: RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) -
webhead - 27.01.2014
Good idea but it only accepts numeric passwords and if I click cancel in the dialog there is no possibility to get it back.
Re: RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) -
FreeWorld - 27.01.2014
Re : RCON Security(With a disabling IG Login function) -
anou1 - 27.01.2014
Good !
MAX_PLAYER_IP is set to 32, but what it correspond to ? Is that the max player ?
Or the max IP a player can have?