My Y_INI not saving files to .ini - Printable Version
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My Y_INI not saving files to .ini -
Riwerry - 24.12.2013
Guys, why that happens? In my registration, when player registers the file from registration is created in scriptfiles. But it not got the .ini in the end. But when I opened it there are the informations from register.. Why that happens? :C
Re: My Y_INI not saving files to .ini -
BizzyD - 24.12.2013
You mean you dont see the .ini extension or what?
Re: My Y_INI not saving files to .ini -
Riwerry - 24.12.2013
Uh, I mean this. Name.ini but mine is saving just to Name
Re: My Y_INI not saving files to .ini -
Riwerry - 24.12.2013
Uh, I mean this. Name.ini but mine is saving just to name
Sorry for doublepost.
Re: My Y_INI not saving files to .ini -
Riwerry - 24.12.2013
Solved it, Im very retarded, in my format I forgot to put the .ini I just got "/Players/%s" and when changed to "/Players/%s.ini" worked