IRCCMD:isban(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[]) { if (IRC_IsVoice(botid, channel, user)) { new bnz[128]; new nameban = dUserINT(params).("Nameban"); if(!strlen(params)) { format(bnz, sizeof(bnz), "(Error)Invalid params! [!isban [PlayerName]]"); IRC_Say(botid, channel, bnz); return 1; } if(!udb_Exists(params)) { format(bnz, sizeof(bnz), "(INFO)Player %s was not found in the database!", params); IRC_Say(botid, channel, bnz); return 1; } if(nameban == 1) { format(bnz, sizeof(bnz), "(INFO)Player %s was found in the database!", params); IRC_Say(botid, channel, bnz); return 1; } if(nameban == 0) { format(bnz, sizeof(bnz), "(INFO)Player %s was not found in the database!", params); IRC_Say(botid, channel, bnz); return 1; } } return 1; } |
<~Nonamee> !isban Noname <&CNR1> (INFO)Player Noname was not found in the database! |