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Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Printable Version

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Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Nostalgia - 23.12.2013

Hello everybody.
So, guys, lately I have been having this problem.
Everytime I open Sa:Mp and try to connect to a server it gives me this error,

I believe it's a SA:MP error, because I tried playing Gta San Andreas single player and it works flawlessly.
I haven't made any changes or anything.
I tried installing a fresh copy of GTA to another drive, it didn't work.
I also tried reinstalling SA:MP, it didn't work either.

I hope you guys will have a solution to this problem.
Please try and help me.

Thank you for reading.


Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Rayco - 23.12.2013

I had same error three year ago and I think that I got fix it reinstalling Windows for that problem. Also I tried reinstalling Microsoft ++.

Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Nostalgia - 23.12.2013

Ah, Crap. I won't be reinstalling Windows, any other solutions?
I already tried reinstalling Microsoft ++, It didn't work.

Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Alex123blue - 23.12.2013

I'm also experiencing this problem, any help would be good.

Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - nickdodd25 - 23.12.2013

Have you had any antivirus updates or just recently installed one? Mine used to block gta/samp it would show that.

Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - FreeWorld - 23.12.2013

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error

Try this:

If My answer resolve your problem please +rep me

Re: Gta San Andreas Run time Error. - Nostalgia - 24.12.2013

Originally Posted by FreeWorld
Посмотреть сообщение
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error

Try this:

If My answer resolve your problem please +rep me
Thanks it solved my problem. +Rep.