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Pwn and amx problem HUGE! - Printable Version

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Pwn and amx problem HUGE! - TFoCap - 20.12.2013

Okay so i complie my gamemode and it complies fine no errors or anything then i look at the amx file and it says 0 kb and im like wtf so i thought it might have been my gamemode so i tried a new one still same problem so i tried compling something else thats not a gamemode that complies with pawno no errors but 0 kb on every amx file i complie with pawno and i open the amx file and its blank

Does anyone know how to fix?

Re: Pwn and amx problem HUGE! - Excelize - 20.12.2013

Once again, you do NOT need to open the amx. The one you one to open is .PWN. And stop creating 3 threads a minute, you're going to get banned if you do so. Wait until someone replies to ONE of your threads.

Re: Pwn and amx problem HUGE! - Vince - 20.12.2013

Originally Posted by TFoCap
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Originally Posted by TFoCap
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Originally Posted by TFoCap
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Originally Posted by TFoCap
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Originally Posted by TFoCap
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To compile, not to comply. Sorry, had to be done.