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Donations - BedBokart - 16.12.2013

According to you asking for donations that many servers are legal? or you could refer to this?

Re: Donations - NukeTripper - 16.12.2013

I would like to tell you IF YOU Are going to ASK for Donation DO NOT DO IT HERE WE ARE NOT YOU'R Parents. Do not ask for a doller you will never get it! GO OUT AND GET A WORK if you play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas you should be old enough to get a JOB if you arent old enough to get a job leave SA-MP!

Re : Donations - Bach95 - 16.12.2013

Yes donation is legal

Re: Donations - Tamer - 16.12.2013

A sa-mp server is an investment. You must put your effort and money before getting some profit. If you're expecting to make money from it, It's not that easy if you run a leaked script, or something like that. If you want to make money, get a job. It's less hassle than running a server, plus it gives you experience and probably more earnings.

Re: Donations - CJ101 - 16.12.2013

i suggest you open a dictionary. Donations are Donations. Most people "donate" because they really like your game/service. It's not like your begging for money.

Re: Donations - Forrest~ - 16.12.2013

Donations are fully legal. The word itself means that the person who performs the action does it because they want it.

Re: Donations - Kitten - 17.12.2013

Think about it what does 'donate' or 'donation' stand for?

Re: Donations - summer10 - 17.12.2013

Donation is legal

Re: Donations - Jankingston - 17.12.2013

itz legal

Re: Donations - iJumbo - 17.12.2013

If your server / service is liked and there is possibility to make a donation you may get some. is totally legal