Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
Petricko - 15.12.2013
When I try to detect range of several objects can not I do not know why ... Every time says that I am to far from the object, and when I stand beside object... Can someone help me ...?
Thanks in advance ...
ps. Sorry for bad english...
pawn Код:
new Object[6];
Object[0] = CreateObject(19076, 536.09997558594, -2232.8999023438, 4.6999998092651, 0, 0, 0,900.0);
Object[1] = CreateObject(694, -2122.1000976563, -1448.5999755859, 201.69999694824, 0, 0, 236.08520507813,900.0);
Object[2] = CreateObject(3830, 467.70001220703, -2207.6000976563, 9.1000003814697, 0, 0, 218,900.0);
Object[3] = CreateObject(3886, 524.3994140625, -2159.69921875, -0.10000000149012, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[4] = CreateObject(3886, 527.3994140625, -2157.099609375, -0.10999999940395, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[5] = CreateObject(3599, 490, -2223.2998046875, 7.0999999046326, 0, 0, 151.99584960938,900.0);
if (strcmp("/test", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
for(new i = 0;i<5;i++)
GetObjectPos(Object[i], ox, oy, oz);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, ox, oy, oz))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are close to the object.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are to far from the object.");
return 1;
return 1;
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
dakata994 - 15.12.2013
Try This.
new Object[6];
Object[0] = CreateObject(19076, 536.09997558594, -2232.8999023438, 4.6999998092651, 0, 0, 0,900.0);
Object[1] = CreateObject(694, -2122.1000976563, -1448.5999755859, 201.69999694824, 0, 0, 236.08520507813,900.0);
Object[2] = CreateObject(3830, 467.70001220703, -2207.6000976563, 9.1000003814697, 0, 0, 218,900.0);
Object[3] = CreateObject(3886, 524.3994140625, -2159.69921875, -0.10000000149012, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[4] = CreateObject(3886, 527.3994140625, -2157.099609375, -0.10999999940395, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[5] = CreateObject(3599, 490, -2223.2998046875, 7.0999999046326, 0, 0, 151.99584960938,900.0);
if (strcmp("/test", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
for(new i = 0;i<5;i++)
GetObjectPos(Object[i], ox, oy, oz);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, i, ox, oy, oz))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are close to the object.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are to far from the object.");
return 1;
return 1;
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
Vince - 15.12.2013
Did you calculate in the size of the object? If your object is 12 meters wide, you can still be standing right beside it but the code won't work.
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
Petricko - 15.12.2013
This is object, small but it will not detect it. I have 6 object like this...
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
Mitchy - 15.12.2013
pawn Код:
new Object[6];
Object[0] = CreateObject(19076, 536.09997558594, -2232.8999023438, 4.6999998092651, 0, 0, 0,900.0);
Object[1] = CreateObject(694, -2122.1000976563, -1448.5999755859, 201.69999694824, 0, 0, 236.08520507813,900.0);
Object[2] = CreateObject(3830, 467.70001220703, -2207.6000976563, 9.1000003814697, 0, 0, 218,900.0);
Object[3] = CreateObject(3886, 524.3994140625, -2159.69921875, -0.10000000149012, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[4] = CreateObject(3886, 527.3994140625, -2157.099609375, -0.10999999940395, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[5] = CreateObject(3599, 490, -2223.2998046875, 7.0999999046326, 0, 0, 151.99584960938,900.0);
if (strcmp("/test", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
for(new i = 0;i<5;i++)
GetObjectPos(Object[i], ox, oy, oz);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, ox, oy, oz))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are close to the object.");
return 1;
else if(IsPlayerInRangeofPoint(playerid, 8.0, ox, oy, oz))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are to far from the object.");
return 1;
return 1;
Dont know if thats what your looking for but shouldn't something like that work?..
EDIT: changed the ranges, noticed i did them wrong
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
Jefff - 15.12.2013
pawn Код:
new Object[2];
Object[0] = CreateObject(19076, 536.09997558594, -2232.8999023438, 4.6999998092651, 0, 0, 0,900.0);
CreateObject(694, -2122.1000976563, -1448.5999755859, 201.69999694824, 0, 0, 236.08520507813,900.0);
CreateObject(3830, 467.70001220703, -2207.6000976563, 9.1000003814697, 0, 0, 218,900.0);
CreateObject(3886, 524.3994140625, -2159.69921875, -0.10000000149012, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
CreateObject(3886, 527.3994140625, -2157.099609375, -0.10999999940395, 0, 0, 309.99572753906,900.0);
Object[1] = CreateObject(3599, 490, -2223.2998046875, 7.0999999046326, 0, 0, 151.99584960938,900.0);
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/test", true) == 0)
new bool:IsInRange;
for(new objectid = Object[0]; objectid < Object[1]+1; objectid++)
GetObjectPos(objectid, ox, oy, oz);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Range_Here, ox, oy, oz))
IsInRange = true;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are close to the object.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are to far from the object.");
return 1;
Re: Detecting if palyer is in range of multiple objects -
cessil - 16.12.2013
the problem is that you're returning 1 no matter what, so it checks the first object in the array and then doesn't check any others
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, ox, oy, oz))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are close to the object.");
return 1;//stops script here, doesn't check any other objects
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are to far from the object.");
return 1;//stops script here, doesn't check any other objects