Server is not public even after I portforward -
Uberanwar - 14.12.2013
Hi everyone,
I have some problems. The problem just happened today years ago I never had this problem. I have no script problems or errors, I have no antivirus or firewall problems, all okay, I never changed any settings on my router and computer, I opened the server today and homehost, gave the IP to my friends and they said its not working. I checked my Router settings etc the portforward part all good, nothing is wrong. But the weird thing is it's still not working. The server is still not public! Is there any solutions for this?
I tried to restart my computer and router but no luck.
This is what I did
- Restarting router, delete old portforwards and portforward again (port 7777 UDP) I also did port triggering and DMZ host to my local ip, still no luck.
- Reset Windows Firewall, I also allowed my samp-server.exe in the firewall.
Hope someone can tell me how to figure it out, thanks!
EDIT: It works yesterday. Also I noticed my IP is a little bit weird..
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
saikumar - 14.12.2013
What do you mean by saying that your ip is a little bit weird?
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
Uberanwar - 15.12.2013
I rarely see my ip And sometimes it starts from
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
LeeXian99 - 15.12.2013
It's dynamic IP. You'll need to contact your ISP for a static IP. Or you could just set it "Static IP"
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
Uberanwar - 15.12.2013
Thnks for the info btw. Bump, I still got this problem
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
gandzia - 15.12.2013
You dont take the IP from some website, because its just kinda 'public' address, which obviously is dynamic in your case (same in mine, and million other)
You need your local IP, in my case its
Now you need to forward your port,
And i had same problem that even after forwarding the port nobody could connect to it. I found the fix for that on my own, and it was very simple
I have an Eset Smart Security 6 antivirus, it was protecting me (some kind of firewall) and noboy could connect. I turned it off (you also need to disable the firewall, because its still enabled after you disable the protection)
Re: Server is not public even after I portforward -
Uberanwar - 18.12.2013
Well I use MSE (Microsoft Security Essential) but I believe it has nothing to do with my problem because I used it for like 1 or 2 years already. I never do any changes on it. Disable my firewall? That sounds crazy!