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[Map] Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - Printable Version

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Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - rocker3410 - 14.12.2013

Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition]

Hey guys, so I was bored and I wanted to make a map. So I created this

Cluckin Bell
Parking Lot
Gas Station
Pay n' Spray
A command (/pershingsquaremall); gives info about map.


This map is dedicated to HnR a.k.a Hit n' Run.

Me - For mapping



Please +REP if you like this.

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - MORJAN1122 - 14.12.2013

nice map 10/10 +REP

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - rocker3410 - 14.12.2013

Originally Posted by MORJAN1122
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nice map 10/10 +REP
Glad you like it.

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - TahaAsif12 - 14.12.2013

Very Good!
Like your maps!

OT: You are Daryl_Smith? Aren't you? :P

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - rocker3410 - 14.12.2013

No, my friend is Daryl_Smith, we decided to open our own server, unlike yours. Kid admins.

One of your 8 year old admins banned me, because I told them they are abusing their admin rights. Your kidding me right?

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - TahaAsif12 - 14.12.2013

Originally Posted by rocker3410
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No, my friend is Daryl_Smith, we decided to open our own server, unlike yours. Kid admins.

One of your 8 year old admins banned me, because I told them they are abusing their admin rights. Your kidding me right?
First of all, u are completely using a rp script from forums!
and second, i don't have any 8 years old admins! You were flaming admins so u get banned (And u deserved it)

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - rocker3410 - 14.12.2013

Flaming? LoL he was teleporting me for no reason. Then I told him to stop abusing then he banned me. No wonder people don't play on your server because the admins are 12-. You were banned on samp forums one time. Don't let it happen again mate.

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - Zamora - 14.12.2013

Nice one

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - rocker3410 - 14.12.2013

Originally Posted by Zamora
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Nice one

PS: Sorry for the argument with this child.

Re: Pershing Square Mall [Xmas Edition] - TahaAsif12 - 14.12.2013

Originally Posted by rocker3410
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PS: Sorry for the argument with this child.
If you think i am a child, than i am not!

First of all, that wasn't the real reason u were banned.

Some days ago from ur ban, i found out in server log that u were talking about RavensRP and our own server somthing with Daryl smith! Then u SA in game so u were really required to be banned.
You are well unbanned