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How to make a webpage on the same VPS? - Printable Version

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How to make a webpage on the same VPS? - dipsnark - 08.12.2013


I want to make a webpage on the same VPS where my samp server is. So there would be two domains: and

But since all of these domains pointing to the same IP address i can use the webpage domain as the server's IP. Can this be avoided somehow? So only the could be used as the server's ip.


Re: How to make a webpage on the same VPS? - Khanz - 08.12.2013

I don't understand what's wrong with pointing it like that.
But even if you allow one to access the web page they're both going to connect in samp.

You could try sending that domain a 301 or a redirecting it to another website in .htaccess.

Re: How to make a webpage on the same VPS? - Sithis - 09.12.2013

Just remove the webpage record from your DNS settings. Then run a webserver on your VPS and would be used for both your webpage and server.