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Issue with mysql_fetch_int - Printable Version

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Issue with mysql_fetch_int - Jonesy96 - 08.12.2013

I've used this in my code:

mysql_fetch_int("jail_time", jailtime);
Here's the error I got:

C:\Users\Rhys\Desktop\scripting\gamemodes\sheriffs.pwn(245) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
Any ideas? I'm trying to retrieve the jail_time field from the database and store it into the jailtime variable

I'm using this mysql plugin:

Re: Issue with mysql_fetch_int - Dokins - 08.12.2013

You seem to be using the wrong syntax.

Check this out:
(This is from my script)


new query[256];
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", fieldname, tablename, sqlid);
new result = mysql_fetch_int();
return result;

You may also wanna check out this page:

Re: Issue with mysql_fetch_int - Jonesy96 - 08.12.2013

Thank you, this has returned no errors. Got a bit confused with that. Many thanks. +1

Re: Issue with mysql_fetch_int - Dokins - 08.12.2013

No problem, although I'd advise you to talk to Vince if you have issues with MySQL. He's pretty good with it.