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[Tutorial] Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - Printable Version

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Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - qazwsx - 05.12.2013

Hello guys. Today im going to show you how to make a simple hitman contract system. So, simply, all you have to do is do /hitman targetid ammount. If the targetid you hitted is dead, you will lost your money, and the killer id will get your money. Ight, so lets started.

All you have to do firstly, is add this to your top of script:
pawn Код:
new Hitman[MAX_PLAYERS];//For checking if the player has contract or not
new HitContract[MAX_PLAYERS];//Checking is player have a bounty or not
Ight, its time for script

pawn Код:
    new targetid,str[128],ammount,Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];//Creating variable for name
    if(sscanf(params,"ui",targetid,ammount))return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Usage /hitman targetid ammount");//checking if the player uses wrong parameters
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid)<ammount)return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You dont have enough money");//checking if the player doesnt have enough money
    Hitman[targetid] = 1;//Checking that the targetid has a contract
    GetPlayerName(playerid,Name,sizeof(Name));//self understandable
    GetPlayerName(targetid,Name2,sizeof(Name2));//self understandable
    format(str,sizeof(str),"%s[%d]has hitman contract %i on %s[%d]",Name,playerid,ammount,Name2,targetid);
    SetPVarInt(playerid,"hitmanmoney",ammount);//Saving the ammount of planted money into a variable which we are going later.
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            HitContract[i] = 1;//Checking that player has planted a hitman
    return 1;
Ight, We've done in the command. Now what we want is, when our target is dead, the killer id will collect our money, and we will lost our money. We gotta use OnPlayerDeath callback function for this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    new str[128],Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    format(str,sizeof(str),"%s[%d]has collected money for killing hitman %s[%d]",Name2,killerid,Name,playerid);
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(HitContract[i] == 1)
            GivePlayerMoney(killerid,GetPVarInt(i,"hitmanmoney"));//Giving killer id money
                        Hitman[playerid] = 0;//Setting the variable to 0, that means player doesnt have a contract exist anymore
    return 1;
Aight we have done here
I know this tutorial is simple.

Hope you guys liked it

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - Voxel - 05.12.2013

Pretty good :P!

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - qazwsx - 05.12.2013

thank you!

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - newbie scripter - 05.12.2013

pawn Код:
Hitman[targetid] = 1;//Checking that the targetid has a contract
// Not Checking, its setting the targetid to hitman
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            HitContract[i] = 1;//Checking that player has planted a hitman

// Why loop?? just add HitContract[playerid] = 1;

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - qazwsx - 06.12.2013

Originally Posted by newbie scripter
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pawn Код:
Hitman[targetid] = 1;//Checking that the targetid has a contract
// Not Checking, its setting the targetid to hitman
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            HitContract[i] = 1;//Checking that player has planted a hitman

// Why loop?? just add HitContract[playerid] = 1;
yea sorry, was mistake.
thanks for the feedbacks anw

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - rockhopper - 03.06.2014

How to also make a cmd that shows available contracts ?? ?

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - rockhopper - 03.06.2014

Anyone ? Please I need IT

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - qazwsx - 03.06.2014

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Anyone ? Please I need IT
new targetid,str[128];
if(sscanf(params,"ui",targetid))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Syntax:/checktarget id");
if (Hitman[targetid] == 1)
format(str,sizeof(str),"This guy has a bounty $%i",GetPVarInt(targetid,"hitmanmoney"));
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"This guy doesnt have any contracts exist");
return 1;

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - rockhopper - 03.06.2014

But instead of target cant I see All Contracts such like :- Target :- Rockhopper Amount: 1
Target :- qazwsx Amount :- 1000
Like this ?

Re : Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - S4t3K - 03.06.2014

PHP код:

HitContract[playerid] < 1) return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"--------- List of the contracts -----------");
Hitman[i]) GetPlayerName(inamesizeof(name)), SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"- Target : %s || Amount : %i"nameGetPVarInt(i"hitmanmoney"));

Re: Making simple hitman contract system[Zcmd,sscanf2] - rockhopper - 03.06.2014

Thanks Bro