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Problem OnDialogResponse - Printable Version

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Problem OnDialogResponse - Gianmarco - 04.12.2013

I have a problem, in practice the dialog appears but does not respond in the sense that when I click on the window of dialogue not they then move the object, the first dialog "DIALOG_PONTE1" works perfectly, while the second "DIALOG_PONTE2" does not work, what's the problem ?

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	if((newkeys & KEY_YES))
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2.0,1010.8473, -1362.9739, 13.3740))
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_PONTE1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pannello Elettronico Ponte1", "Ponte su\nPonte giщ", "Conferma", "Annulla");
    else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2.0,1001.3245, -1362.9739, 13.3740))
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_PONTE2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Pannello Elettronico Ponte2", "Ponte su\nPonte giщ", "Conferma", "Annulla");

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == DIALOG_PONTE1)
			 		case 0:
			   		MoveObject(ponte1, 1010.36, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				   	MoveObject(ponte2, 1010.36, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
					MoveObject(ponte3, 1008.52, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
					MoveObject(ponte4, 1008.52, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
					//Sotto Ponti
					MoveObject(sponte1, 1010.36, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte2, 1010.36, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte3, 1008.52, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte4, 1008.52, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				    case 1:
				   	MoveObject(ponte1, 1010.36, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(ponte2, 1010.36, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(ponte3, 1008.52, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(ponte4, 1008.52, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
					//Sotto Ponti
					MoveObject(sponte1, 1010.36, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte2, 1010.36, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte3, 1008.52, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
					MoveObject(sponte4, 1008.52, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
	if(dialogid == DIALOG_PONTE2)
				   	case 0:
			   		MoveObject(dponte1, 1000.85, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte2, 1000.85, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte3, 998.90, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte4, 998.90, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte1, 1000.85, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte2, 1000.85, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte3, 998.90, -1364.59, 14.34,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte4, 998.90, -1367.89, 14.34,5.00);
				   	case 1:
				   	MoveObject(dponte1, 1000.85, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte2, 1000.85, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte3, 998.90, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dponte4, 998.90, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte1, 1000.85, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte2, 1000.85, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte3, 998.90, -1364.59, 12.31,5.00);
				    MoveObject(dsponte4, 998.90, -1367.89, 12.31,5.00);
	return 1;
The P

Re: Problem OnDialogResponse - Areax - 04.12.2013

Did you define them with the same number ?

Re: Problem OnDialogResponse - Gianmarco - 05.12.2013

yes, but the firt work the second not ...

Re: Problem OnDialogResponse - Konstantinos - 05.12.2013

Originally Posted by Gianmarco
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yes, but the firt work the second not ...
The number (dialogid) should differ for each dialog.