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Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - Printable Version

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Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - Schaffer - 30.11.2013

Hello, I want mapping a garage for repair cars and I don't know what objects to use for can I create an ramps like as here:

Anyone got a idee? Thank you.

Re: Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - marwanalramahi - 30.11.2013

Check MTA it's the best for mapping.

Re: Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - SilentSoul - 30.11.2013

For this after you finish your mapping project you can use the following - This will check if the player on the garage cords (x,y,z) - This will help you creating a timer to repair the car - This will repair your car if you are in garage
If you have the cords of the garage you can post there , i can script an example for you

Re: Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - Schaffer - 30.11.2013

Originally Posted by marwanalramahi
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Check MTA it's the best for mapping.
I know bro, but I can't found the object for can I create an ramps for cars..

Re: Ramps for Garage Service - Mapping - marwanalramahi - 30.11.2013

Check that one :

((click the star if i helped))