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Mapping Bugged[URGENT] - Printable Version

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Mapping Bugged[URGENT] - DamonD - 29.11.2013

My server is bugged. The mapping is bugged. The mapping doesn't load, and commands that add in objects like giftbox and even /car lights don't worK. I've tried restarting please help

Re: Mapping Bugged[URGENT] - ikbenremco - 29.11.2013

Do you use dynamic objects?

Re: Mapping Bugged[URGENT] - RajatPawar - 29.11.2013

What can be possibly URGENT regarding a SA-MP server?

OT: Have you encountered this after adding certain objects? Did it work before you added some new objects? Have you over ridden the MAX_OBJECTS limit if you do not use the streamer plugin? Have you included a new filterscript or include that is interfering with the objects?