What Best Anti Cheat ? -
br155 - 26.11.2013
What Best Anti Cheat ?
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
StuartD - 26.11.2013
Originally Posted by StuartD
Quote from another post of the same question.
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
Pottus - 26.11.2013
You can't just put in an AC system and expect it to work, the best AC system is fine tuned to your own needs.
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
br155 - 26.11.2013
I do not know how to install
help me?
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
CrazyChoco - 26.11.2013
If you don't know how to do it, then you should rather not even start a server. You don't have any experince on how the servers work. How about reading different topics and wiki first?
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
br155 - 26.11.2013
i install anticheat but not work
like i not buy gun kick me anti cheat
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
Pottus - 26.11.2013
This was from a PM
Originally Posted by br155
u set anti cheat for me for 5$ ?
Simply put no, this is something you should be able to do yourself and if you can't then your pretty much on your own. Now if you want to make that $100 dollars then it might be worth my time.
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
br155 - 26.11.2013

Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
Joshua1 - 26.11.2013
I'd suggest hiring someone to code you one, not asking others for their opinions; then asking them to do this and that for you. We don't have time for that - we have our own servers etc.
And the best anticheat is the one you can feel proud of and use, such as your own.
Re: What Best Anti Cheat ? -
VenomXNL - 27.11.2013
Really depends on your own code and locations where people obtain stuff.
Like in my server people can get Money, XP, weapons, items, clothes etc. But all at different
methods and locations. Only at some locations weapons are allowed.
Certain amounts of money and XP can only be obtained with special actions or from certain levels.
So it will be impossible to use a standard Anti Cheat system on this server, and on most other
servers this will be the same case. So indeed i would suggest what Joshua1 said: find or hire someone
to help you build/customize a Anti Cheat system for your server.
And don't forget to pay attention to special stuff like excluding the auto obtaining a parachute when
jumping out of a air vehicle, getting a detonator automatically when throwing a satchel, that people
could get money from the casino if you did not disabled it. And there are many more things to
take in account. So make sure you set it up well.
Good luck man, hope this info helped you a little bit