Galera, to com um problema no meu Spawn, por exemplo, se eu uso /respawnplayer ele respawna normal, usando a funзгo pSpawn(playerid). Mas se eu morro, ele fica com aquela porra daquelas cetinhas e o botao Spawn, mesmo se eu aperta o botгo (ou aperta Shift) nгo vai, sу fica nele ¬¬'
PHP код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Relogio0);//nome da draw no caso a que definimos la emcima
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Relogio1);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TForum);// "liga" a text draw que fica em la em baixo (forum...).
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaForum);
TempoAdmin = SetTimerEx("EstadoAdmin", 2000, 1, "i", playerid);// Inicia o SetTimer de admin!
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, BrunoInfo[playerid][pSkin]);// Seta a skin do player!
if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 1 && MSG_Preso[playerid] == 0)
SCM(playerid, COR_VERMELHOCLARO, "Sentenзa incompleta, vocк voltou para a prisгo!");
SetPlayerHealth(iddele, 99999);
SetPlayerPos(iddele, 322.197998,302.497985,999.148437);
SetPlayerInterior(iddele, 5);
MSG_Preso[playerid] = 1;
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 0 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1716.5039, -1692.5128, 13.5177,183.2262);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 1 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// PM
SetPlayerPos(playerid, RESPAWN_PM);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 2 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// bope
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 328.4683,-1514.2706,36.0391,228.1652);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 3 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// GN
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, -1522.1064,479.1407,7.1875,182.4302);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 4 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// PF
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 914.1409,-1000.1646,38.0688,357.7923);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 5 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// Prefeito
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1506.1608,-1849.7653,13.5469,180.4635);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 6 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// BALLAS
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1153.3092,-1181.0313,32.8187,89.2952);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 7 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// azteca
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 316.1351,-1771.0208,4.6896,181.6499);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 8 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// vagos
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2808.2383,-1176.8186,25.3709,179.1831);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 9 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// Pcc
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1323.9834,-875.2939,39.5781,4.0809);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 10 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// cv
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 994.7869,-1460.0630,13.5469,268.3143);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 11 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// groove
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2495.3137,-1687.3927,13.5156,0.2612);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 12 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// taxi
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1778.7594,-1704.7861,13.5207,180.5426);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 13 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// hitmans
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1102.7345,-299.3799,73.9922,91.5164);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 14 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// medicos
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1176.8530,-1323.9502,14.0418,269.3462);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 15 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// reporteres
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 742.3663,-1355.4249,13.5000,269.7312);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 16 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// farc
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 422.4359,2532.4824,16.5911,181.9280);
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pMembro] == 17 && BrunoInfo[playerid][pCadeia] == 0)// gi
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, -67.4845,60.5215,3.1172,68.5870);
if(mandoumensagem[playerid] == 0)
if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
format(String,70 , "Vocк logou com nнvel %d de administrador", BrunoInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
SCM(playerid, COR_AZULCLARO, String);
if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pVip] == 1)
SCM(playerid, COR_AZULCLARO, "Vocк й um player VIP");
else if(BrunoInfo[playerid][pVip] == 2)
SCM(playerid, COR_AZULCLARO, "Vocк й um player SUPER-VIP");
if((BrunoInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) && BrunoInfo[playerid][pAdmin] <= 3001)// Se a pessoa que logar for admin
format(String, 30, "~g~%s ~w~ON", pNome(playerid));// manda eesse gametextforplayer para todos onlines :D!
foreach(Player, i)
GameTextForPlayer(i, String , 5000, 1);
mandoumensagem[playerid] = 1;
return 1;
Й mano, to tentando ver aqui mas nao indica nada que retorna o requestclass.