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Vehicle update - Printable Version

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Vehicle update - SweetCZ - 24.11.2013

Hello guys, I have problem with my public VehicleUpdate -

public VehicleUpdate(playerid)
	    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	    new Float:health, speed;
		GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, health);
		floatround(health, floatround_round);
		speed = GetPlayerSpeed(playerid, true);
		new update[200];
		format(update, sizeof(update), "~b~~h~Model: %s~n~Stav: %f%s~n~Benzin: %dl~n~Rychlost: %dkm/h", SeznamAut[vehicleid-400], health / 10, "%%", Fuel[vehicleid], speed);
		PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, VehicleStats[playerid], update);
		PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, VehicleStats[playerid]);
It doesn't work - textdraw doesn't show.

I tried to repair it by prints but it doesn't work still.

When I tried that everything was in the command prompt but it stopped when it called
format(update, sizeof(update), "~b~~h~Model: %s~n~Stav: %f%s~n~Benzin: %dl~n~Rychlost: %dkm/h", SeznamAut[vehicleid-400], health / 10, "%%", Fuel[vehicleid], speed);
Thanks for every help and sorry for my bad english (I am from the Czech republic).

Re: Vehicle update - Zues - 24.11.2013

You forgot return 1; ?

Re: Vehicle update - SweetCZ - 24.11.2013

I tried to delete it earlier. I added it now and It doesn't work still.