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can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - Printable Version

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can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - bitay123 - 19.11.2013

so , with . dont have Value of keys F11 and F12 (s 0be it hack ). i want to when player Press F11/F12 they get slap to death , and get banned

SO CAN I CREATE THE KEY F11 F12 TO USE FOR OnPlayerKeyStateChange .
Plz help me

how this guys can do it ?

Re: can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - ]Rafaellos[ - 19.11.2013

You can't do it.

Re: can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - newbie scripter - 19.11.2013

u can but only if the player has some work with that key. What you ask CAN'T be done in samp script. Try other softwares

Re: can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - InglewoodRoleplay - 19.11.2013

Those keys aren't used by the game so unless you install a plugin that detects which key the player has pressed (I doubt cheaters will download and install something like that just to cheat on your server) you won't have the chance of doing that.
You could obviously find other solutions if someone is cheating on your server / crashing it by abusing functions that are called by the SA-MP client, here's something I can provide you:

pawn Код:
/* Purpose: Controlling overall flood on the server */

/* Defines */
#define debug 0

/* New's */
new cmdFloodWarns[MAX_PLAYERS];
new interiorWarns[MAX_PLAYERS];
new carDeathWarns[MAX_PLAYERS];
new playerDeathWarns[MAX_PLAYERS];

/* Functions */
forward KickPlayer(playerid);
public KickPlayer(playerid) Kick(playerid);

KickEx(playerid, color, message[]) {
    SendClientMessage(playerid, color, message);
    SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 1000, 0, "d", playerid); //Set the delay

The correct way of using this is:
if(isFloodingCommands(playerid)) {
    //Process whatever you have to process
    //It's useful if you're using the ******'s YCMD command processor.

isFloodingCommands(playerid) { //returns 1 if a player is flooding commands and 0 if not. If 1, it assigns a command flood warn and doesn't allow the player to perform any commands
    new time = GetPVarInt(playerid, "CommandCoolDown");
    new timenow = gettime();
    if(FLOODCMD_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time) > 0) {
        #if debug
        printf("Last Spam: Time: %f", FLOODCMD_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time));
        return 1;
    cmdFloodWarns[playerid] = 0; //If the above doesn't happen
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "CommandCoolDown", gettime());
    return 0;

assignAndCheckFloodWarns(playerid) {
    if(++cmdFloodWarns[playerid] > MAX_CMD_FLOOD_WARNS) {
        KickEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You have been kicked for flooding commands."); //Kick
    return 1;

You should only use this if you're using OnPlayerInteriorChange and it goes under there.

onInteriorFloodCheck(playerid) {
    new time = GetPVarInt(playerid, "InteriorCoolDown");
    new timenow = gettime();
    if(INTERIOR_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time) > 0) {
        return 1;
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "InteriorCoolDown", gettime());
    return 1;

assignAndCheckInteriorWarns(playerid) {
    if(++interiorWarns[playerid] > MAX_INTERIOR_WARNS) {
        KickEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You have been kicked for Interior Spamming."); //Kick
    return 1;

The correct way of using this is:
if(!isFloodingCarDeaths(playerid)) {
    //Process whatever you have to process

isFloodingCarDeaths(playerid) { //returns 1 if a player is flooding car deaths and 0 if not. If 1, it assigns a car death flood warn
    if(playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
        new time = GetPVarInt(playerid, "CarDeathCoolDown");
        new timenow = gettime();
        if(CARDEATH_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time) > 0) {
            #if debug
            printf("Last Spam: Time: %f", CARDEATH_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time));
            return 1;
        carDeathWarns[playerid] = 0; //If the above doesn't happen
        SetPVarInt(playerid, "CarDeathCoolDown", gettime());
    return 0;

checkCarFloodWarns(playerid) {
    if(++carDeathWarns[playerid] > MAX_CARDEATH_WARNS) {
        KickEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You have been kicked for Spamming Car Deaths."); //Kick
    return 1;

The correct way of using this is:
if(!isFloodingPlayerDeaths(playerid)) {
    //Process whatever you have to process

isFloodingPlayerDeaths(playerid) { //returns 1 if a player is flooding car deaths and 0 if not. If 1, it assigns a car death flood warn
    new time = GetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerDeathCoolDown");
    new timenow = gettime();
    if(PLAYERDEATH_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time) > 0) {
        #if debug
        printf("Last Spam: Time: %f", PLAYERDEATH_COOLDOWN-(timenow-time));
        return 1;
    playerDeathWarns[playerid] = 0; //If the above doesn't happen
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerDeathCoolDown", gettime());
    return 0;

checkPlayerDeathFloodWarns(playerid) {
    if(++playerDeathWarns[playerid] > MAX_PLAYERDEATH_WARNS) {
        KickEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You have been kicked for Spamming Fake Deaths."); //Kick
    return 1;

//Call this OnPlayerDisconnect as: onFloodCheckerDisconnect(playerid, reason);
onFloodCheckerDisconnect(playerid, reason) {
    #pragma unused reason
    if(reason != 3) {
        DeletePVar(playerid, "CommandCoolDown");
        DeletePVar(playerid, "InteriorCoolDown");
        DeletePVar(playerid, "CarDeathCoolDown");
        DeletePVar(playerid, "PlayerDeathCoolDown");
        cmdFloodWarns[playerid] = 0;
        interiorWarns[playerid] = 0;
        carDeathWarns[playerid] = 0;
        playerDeathWarns[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;
The code is a bit repetitive but it works as it should.

Re: can i create a Key F11 and F12 ? - bitay123 - 19.11.2013

how this guys can do it ?