Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 18.11.2013
First off, I did not know if I must post this in the MAP section or in the FS section so sorry if this is in the wrong section and this is my first release so don't expect too much :P
/abase -- Teleport you to the admin base.
/aopen -- Opens the admin base gate.
/aclose -- Closes the admin base gate.
NOTE:You need to login as RCON admin to use the commands above.
You can edit the script so that you need to be admin in your admin script if you want.
Just change the "if(IsPlayerAdmin == 1)" lines to whatever function your admin script uses to detect if you're
Download link:
Just let me know if you're having any problems
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
FlawPaw - 19.11.2013
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
PakistaniBaba - 19.11.2013
Re : Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
samp_boy - 19.11.2013
GG But Lol ****** ? Seriously
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 19.11.2013
I use it on my own server because it's easy to move around and stuff...
Is it illegal or something?
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Mckarlis - 10.03.2014
I like this
Re : Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Clad - 10.03.2014
Nice, I like it
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
AroseKhanNiazi - 12.03.2014
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
ChandraLouis - 12.03.2014
How to open that garage ?
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 12.03.2014
Originally Posted by ChandraLouis
How to open that garage ?
/abase -- Teleport you to the admin base.
/aopen -- Opens the admin base gate.
/aclose -- Closes the admin base gate.
@ Clad, Mckarlis, Thanks
Respuesta: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Mestre - 12.03.2014
Nice fs
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
GeasyW - 12.03.2014
Looks great but useless, would lagg the server way too much OT Nice mappings +Rep
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
NoahF - 12.03.2014
Not bad!!
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
ChandraLouis - 13.03.2014
not that i mean the garage
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 13.03.2014
Thanks guys
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Simou - 13.03.2014
Good Work.
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Crayder - 14.03.2014
Nice! But: the mini-gun stands shouldn't be outside the doors on the ground like that... Imagine that in real life lol, some guy finds the guns | steals them, or plays with them....
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 14.03.2014
@ Simou, Thanks!
@ Crayder, This map was made for a TDM server not a RP server so I don't really care plus if I continued with the script, I would've added two guards NPC's standing behind the guns :P
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
ManGoe - 15.03.2014
Zeus lol how do u show /admins /cmds and whatever what you do there?
Re: Admin Base (ZAdminBase) -
Zues - 15.03.2014
It's called textdraws, you can add them with TextDrawCreate