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[FilterScript] [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - Printable Version

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[FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - whando - 16.11.2013

This is my first filterscript, didn't put alot of time in it, but it's easy for RP/Stunt servers.
It will automaticilly add a helmet on your head when you enter a motorcycle.




Have fun!



Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - boomerboom - 16.11.2013

Nice +REP

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - whando - 16.11.2013

Thank you! I apreciate it!

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - Wizzy951 - 16.11.2013

Nice script!

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - BodyBoardVEVO - 16.11.2013

Nice, thanks you for this!

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - Pottus - 16.11.2013

At least you took the time to test it on all the skins.

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - whando - 16.11.2013

Yep, else it would be sucky :P.

Thanks guys!

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - Nostalgia - 17.11.2013

Great job.
I see you tested it in all skins.
Here +rep for your work

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - whando - 19.11.2013

Thanks for the support guys!

Re: [FS] Helmet on motorcycle. - Awankz - 19.11.2013

Nice Script Man