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CMD:[Lost] - Printable Version

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CMD:[Lost] - aDo7 - 14.11.2013

Hello guys that's my biz cmds help menu
PHP Code:
SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_WHITE,"*** BIZ HELP *** - type a command for more infomation.");
SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_GRAD3,"*** BIZ *** /buybiz /sellbiz /sellmyhouse /bizlock /setbizname /bizfee /bizinfo");
SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_GRAD3,"*** BIZ *** /setbankpercent /bankpercent /bizdeposit /bizwithdraw");

But i lost cmd:bizinfo..
So please help me..

Re: CMD:[Lost] - aDo7 - 14.11.2013

bump any one ?

Re: CMD:[Lost] - Beckett - 14.11.2013

What do you mean you lost CMD:bizinfo? this makes no sense sorry.

Re: CMD:[Lost] - aDo7 - 14.11.2013

I need cmd to know biz info.. but i cant found it.

Re: CMD:[Lost] - BlueBaron - 14.11.2013

Um, so you want to know the text of bizinfo? Its varies from GM to GM.

Re: CMD:[Lost] - Twizted - 14.11.2013

Try looking for the most common commands for such action:

If you cannot find one of those with the search feature, search manually (scroll up and down) and you'll eventually find it, if existent.

Re: CMD:[Lost] - aDo7 - 14.11.2013


Try looking for the most common commands for such action:

I told you it's lost..

Its varies from GM to GM.

It's Like Next Generation Gaming Game Mode.

Re: CMD:[Lost] - erminpr0 - 14.11.2013

pawn Code:
YCMD:bizinfo(playerid, params[], help)
   #pragma unused params
   #pragma unused help

   new bis = PlayerInfo[playerid][pBisKey];

   if(bis == INVALID_BIZ_ID)
      return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAFF, "(Error) You do not own a business!");
   if(BizzInfo[bis][bLocked]) LockedText = "{FF0000}Locked!";

   if(!BizzInfo[bis][bLocked]) LockedText = "{00FF00}Open!";


   format(string, sizeof(string), "--------------------------------------------------");
   format(string, sizeof(string), "Biz name: %s, Biz locked: %s, Biz products: %d\n",
      BizzInfo[bis][bName], LockedText, BizzInfo[bis][bProducts]);
   format(string, sizeof(string), "--------------------------------------------------");
   ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1313, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Biz info", string, "ok", "");
   return 1;

Re: CMD:[Lost] - Beckett - 14.11.2013

We can't read your mind, pardon me.