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Object stream issue. - Printable Version

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Object stream issue. - Lynn - 13.11.2013

When it's tested on the local server, everything is perfect.
However, when it's uploaded to the box the interior(Custom) is extremely glitched.
It looks like the draw distance is at 10 or something like that.
It is using a Object streamer(Incognitos).

Re: Object stream issue. - Danialdano - 13.11.2013

I had this problem before, it got something to do with the plugins the objects wont load with such plugins tell me all the plugin names you have.

Re: Object stream issue. - Konstantinos - 13.11.2013

Actually CreateDynamicObject does not have any drawdistance parameter; therebefore it's 0.0

You can add drawdistance though, an example would be:
pawn Код:
stock AddDynamicObject( modelid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: rx, Float: ry, Float: rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float: streamdistance = 300.0, Float: drawdistance = 300.0 )
    objectid = CreateDynamicObject( modelid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, worldid, interiorid, playerid, streamdistance );
    Streamer_SetFloatData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_DRAW_DISTANCE, drawdistance );
    return objectid;
And create all the objects with AddDynamicObject. The last parameter is drawdistance which is by default 300.0

PS: Make sure that the version of both the plugin and include file is 2.6.1